Not me

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Ban's POV

"I hate girls..." I mumbled, drinking with King and Meliodas.
Well, I was drinking, they were just listening to me sulk.
"What did you do to (Y/n) now?" Meliodas sighed as I sipped at the ail in my mug. It was oddly unsatisfying tonight.
"Oh you know, just confessed my undying love for her and stressed her out."
"You never did have good timing."
"Shut up old man." I grumble at King, hitting him in the head with my now empty mug.
"Give me another Captain."
"You're dumb when you're drunk Ban, you sure you wanna do that?"
"I said another." I growl at the blond as King hovered around. "It's your own fault. (Y/n) just got her memories back and it's taken a real toll on her body. She's sick and she can't process the information properly. I'd say you made her faint."
"Wow King, you always know how to make me feel better." I grumble, downing another mug of ail.

I stumbled into the room (Y/n) and I shared, now that she'd stopped sleeping outside so often, hiccupping.
God I was drunk, but it felt sooo nice~
I flopped onto the bed, earning a small yelp from (Y/n), who'd been reading a book before I nuzzled my face into her chest.
"Mhm...I love you~" I grin as a dark blush covered her cheeks, putting down her book. "Ban you're drunk again." She sighed quietly, pushing me up and off of her. I pouted, trying to reach out to her again before she slapped my hands away. "Come on princess I just wanna snuggle..." I pout again as she chuckled quietly. I grinned, seeing her smile making me feel all warm and fuzzy.
"Sure you do big guy, put on a shirt and maybe we'll see about cuddling." I jumped up excitedly, throwing on a random shirt before (Y/n) started laughing.
"Eh? What is it?"
"That's my shirt you nerd." She giggled, standing slowly. She was wearing a pair of my boxers and her sleep shirt, which was somewhat transparent. "Come on, let's get you fixed up." (Y/n) said sweetly, sitting me on the bed before turning around. I grin, hitting her bum as she squeaked and glared back at me. I wink as she turns again, slipping off the shirt I'd accidentally put on. "Can we do something else now?" I grin, pulling her into my lap and trying to work off her bottoms. "Ban stop it, you're drunk." She sighed, pushing my hands away. "But I love you." I pout again as she chuckled, squishing my face with her hands slightly and pecking my lips. "That's all you're getting for tonight, I'm tired anyway." She said sweetly, getting off of me and climbing into bed. I happily got in next to her, hugging her to my body and hiding in her neck.
"Are you still mad at me?" I mumble as she chuckled in response. "No, just don't say things without thinking okay?"
"But then I wouldn't be me." I whine and nuzzle into her more as she laughed lightly, holding my hands which had been on her hips.
"Yeah, I guess you wouldn't."

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