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"Don't panic (Y/n) everything's gonna be okay!"
"Ban I'm not panicking."
"I know it hurts but you just need to stay calm while it happens."
"Ban, I'm not in pain and I am calm."
"Meliodas has gone to get a doctor from town he'll be back soon!"
"Ban!" You snapped, the silver-haired man looking at you quickly. 
"Ban, I think you're the one that needs to calm down."  You chuckled, holding his hand. 
It had been about 10 minutes since your water broke (no pun intended), and now Ban was in full blown panic.  "Isn't this too early?! It's only been a few months!" He freaked, pressing his ear to your stomach.
"You okay in there little guy?"
"Ban, pregnancy is quicker for demons, if anything the baby's late."  You chuckled, petting his hair as he just continued to mumble to your stomach. 
"Doctor's here!" King yelped as an older man walked into the room, you smiling as Ban jumped and looked at him.
"She's gonna be okay right?"
"Ban I'm fine."
"Not you, the baby!" You rolled your eyes at him as the doctor chuckled, kneeling down and checking out the situation.  "Well the baby seems ready, are you?"
"I'm ready, but you might need to make sure my boyfriend there is."  You chuckled, the doctor helping you position yourself.  "Hold my hand Ban."  You said softly as you started to feel more uncomfortable, grunting slightly and squeezing his hand as you began to push.  "You're doing great miss, just a few more pushes."  The doctor grinned as the rest of the team watched from the door.  You yelped a bit as more pain came, squeezing Ban's hand more. 
"You can rip it off if you have to!"
"I don't need to take off your hand Ban."  You chuckled before grunting again, starting to sweat a bit. 
"I can see the head miss (Y/n)."
"Thank god." You chuckled, the room soon being filled with cries.  "Holy shit..." Ban whispered as the doctor checked over and cleaned up the baby, soon handing the infant to you.  "Congratulations, it's a girl."  He smiled as Ban just stared in amazement.  "What're you gonna name her miss (Y/n)?" Elizabeth asked curiously, smiling gently as you looked at Ban. 
"Do you want to name her?" You asked softly, Ban looking at you with big eyes.  "Y-you're serious?" He questioned in disbelief as you chuckled and nodded. 
Ban thought for a few minutes before looking at you nervously, wrapping his arm around you and whispering something to you.  You smiled gently and nodded, your baby grabbing onto her father's finger. 
"We'll call her Elaine."
You heard King take in a sharp breath, Ban looking at the redhead. 
"But only if it's okay with you King." He said quietly, the fairy king coming further into the room and looking at your baby. 
Her hair was wispy and silvery on top of her head, her skin oddly grey coloured and eyes shining brightly like your own (e/c) orbs.  She looked up at King, immediately reaching out to him and hiccupping out a loud giggle.  King's eyes widened slightly, nodding and smiling at Ban. 
"Yeah, let's call her Elaine."  He said softly, everyone smiling now as they came into the room.  "I wanna hold her next!" Diane cheered as you handed her Elaine, the shrunken giant grinning and sighing.  King watched her in awe, Diane looking at him and smiling. 
"I want a baby too someday."
"I-I'm sure you'll be a great mother Diane!" 
You chuckled, looking up at Ban.  "You did good today." You said to him, taking his hand once more.
"I love you." Ban blurted, looking down at you.  His eyes filled with tears as he stared at you. 
"I can't not say it anymore, I love you (Y/n) and I love our baby and I love everything about us and I just-"
"Ban."  You chuckled, cupping his cheek and kissing him lightly. 
"It's okay, I don't mind you saying it."  Ban looked dumfounded, slowly grinning.
"Y-you mean-"
"I love you too, Ban."

The End

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