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Ban's POV

"You're scum." King sneered behind me.
I sighed, rubbing my cheek where she slapped me. I knew it wasn't going to heal like other wounds, since it wasn't going to effect my health.
"What gave you the right to say those things to her?!" The fairy said, moving in front of me.
"You know what's happened to her, so what gives you the right?" He sniffled, finally hitting me hard enough with his damn pillow to throw me across the tavern.
"Answer me!" He shouted angrily as I stood, brushing the grime off of me. I simply stuck my hands in my pockets, walking past him and going into my room, locking the door behind me.

I heard the knock on the front door just before the time it would be dinner, looking out the window that let me see the front of the tavern.
A tall brunet with a sharp jaw and bluish-grey eyes stood at the door, next to a greenish-haired guy with piercing hazel eyes and broad shoulders. I watched the two smile, holding their hands out for (Y/n) and Elizabeth. I felt anger bubble-up inside of me as the brunet pulled (Y/n) closer to him, whispering something to her. I saw her laugh, and had the sudden urge to catapult a large rock into his face.
(Y/n) looked freaking gorgeous of course, which just made me all the damn angrier as her and Eliza waved to the others and made their way down the hill with their dates. I growled inwardly, grabbing some sunglasses and getting out of my room.
"Ban? Where are you going?" Meliodas questioned.
"On a walk..." I grumbled, slamming the tavern door behind me.

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