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I knocked on Ban's door, waiting quietly and looking at my feet.
"Come in."
I quietly open the door, keeping my gaze on the floor.
"There..." Ban grumbled, finishing up a bed on the floor. "Thanks..." I mumble, carefully sitting down. "What're you doing? Take the bed." He huffed, trying to get me to stand again.
"Ban, let me take the floor, I'll be more comfortable."
"Yeah, because hardwood is more comfortable than a freaking mattress." He scoffed as I stood. "Take the damn bed princess." I snatch my arm away from him, looking at him quietly. "Don't call me that..." I mumble, hesitantly getting into the bed and facing away from him. He sighed, getting in the bed on the floor. "Whatever..."

I woke up in a cold sweat, sitting up quickly and hissing in pain. "What's going on...?" Ban grumbled, propping himself on his elbows. "N-nothing, go back to sleep..." I mumble, trying to contain my small noises of pain.
Ban sighed quietly.
"One of your nightmares right?" I glance at him quietly, nodding. He stood up and grunted, looking at me. "Come on." I looked at him and quietly got out of bed, following him to the kitchen and sitting down.
He grabbed a couple things, soon placing a mug in front of me. "It's warm milk with mint, it helps you calm down." He said simply as I looked at him curiously. "Just drink it." He sighed quietly, leaning against the counter tiredly. I nod, slowly sipping the drink and sighing deeply. "Thank you..." I say softly as he glanced at me. "Shit..." He groaned. "You're bleeding through your bandages, wait here." He mumbled before walking off, soon returning with the first aid kit. "Sit up on the bar." I do as told, glancing at him. "Take off the gauze." I blush, looking down at my bare chest. "Come on, it's not like I haven't seen them before..." He mumbled somewhat sadly as I nodded, slowly slipping the gauze off from around my chest and letting it land on the bar top.
Ban took a sharp breath inwards, shaking his head slightly. "A couple of your stitches came undone..." He mumbled, glancing at me. "I'm going to have to touch you to fix it." I slowly nod, refusing to look at him. He sighed, undoing the stitches that had come undone. He cleaned the wound again before grabbing a needle and thread. I heard Ban take a shaky breath before cupping my breast, starting to stitch up the cut again. I blush, gripping the gauze in my hands. "Done.." He mumbled a couple minutes later, pulling away from me. "I-I need you to wrap me up again..." I say quietly, glancing up at him. Ban nodded, taking the gauze in my hands and starting to wrap up my chest gently.
Every time he wrapped it around the back he'd have to get closer, his breath hitting my ear slightly each time. He soon finished, tucking in the last piece and looking at me. "Thanks..." I mumble, sliding off the counter and standing in front of him, looking up at him since he was blocking my path. "I didn't mean those things I said to you." He said quietly, his eyes shining in the dim light. "I'm so sorry (Y/n)..." Ban whispered, looking at me desperately. I slowly nod, looking at him quietly. "It's okay, I understand you were frustrated." I say softly. "Can we go back to bed now?" I ask as he nodded and moved, letting me pass him and head back to his room.

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