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You laughed lightly and plugged your ears as Diane squealed with excitement, staring at you with big eyes. 
"Really?  You promise this isn't a joke?" She asked like a little kid as you nodded, another squeal coming from her. 
"Oh my god I'm gonna be an auntie!" She cheered as Ban grinned like the Cheshire cat.
"That's gonna be one hell of a baby you two made."  Merlin chuckled, crossing her arms over her chest.  "Half water demon, half sin.  Sounds like an abomination to me." Meliodas nodded as Hawk punted him in the foot.
"Yep!  Ban Jr.'s gonna be amazing!" 
"We are not naming our baby Ban Jr." You laughed, holding Ban's hand that was around your shoulder.  He pouted, looking at you. 
"And why not?"
"It's bad enough having one Ban." King mumbled as you chuckled.
"That, and how do you know it's not a girl?" You grinned as Ban looked completely taken aback, eyes big and staring at nothing in particular.  "Holy shit..." He mumbled.
  "It might be a girl! I can't take care of a baby girl (Y/n) she'll be scared of me!"  Greed freaked, gripping your shoulders as you laughed.  "Ban!  You're the baby's father, no matter what gender they won't be scared of you, I promise."  Ban looked at you with big, childish eyes, taking a deep breath and nodding slowly.  "Right, you're right."  He said softly, looking at his feet and calming down. 
"Better."  Ban chuckled before smirking at you.
"Does this mean you'll start calling me daddy~?"
"This means I'm serious now every time I tell you to go fuck yourself." You snicker at his pout, kissing the fox's cheek before heading back into the tavern.

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