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"Uh, there's someone outside for you (Y/n)." Meliodas said to me as I wiped down tables, looking at him confused before smiling.
'Maybe it's Hild...' I think to myself quietly, walking out of the tavern. 
Instead of Hild, it's a woman.  She's tall and slim, with dark green eyes and pinkish hair.
  "Um, hello, may I help you?" I ask gently, smiling at her.  She hummed in a snarky manner.  "Were you out on a date with Hild Dorman yesterday?" She questioned, her voice nasally.  "Uh, yes I was, why?"
She replied by punching me square in the nose, blood immediately pouring from my nostrils as I fell to the ground.  "What the hell?! Who are you?!" I ask, cupping my probably-broken nose. 
"Allah, his girlfriend." She growled, her foot connecting with my ribs, more blood dripping from my mouth. 
By the time everyone had noticed that I was being beat, Allah had kicked me in the face, stomach, and stepped on my legs harshly numerous times.
  "Get the fuck off her!" Ban snapped, shoving her away.
  "Who do you think you are?"
"Your little friend there went on a date with my boyfriend last night!"
"Well then it's not her fault your cheating prick of a partner asked her out, without informing her that he was taken!" Ban shouted, getting closer to her.
"Go beat the shit out of him, not her you fucking bitch!"
Allah stared at him, scoffing before walking away.  By this point King had levitated me inside on his pillow, placing me on the bar counter so I'd be laid out completely.  "W-what're we gonna do?!" King asked quickly as Hawk ran in with a first aid kit.  "I can fix this, will you guys leave me with her?" Meliodas questioned.  Ban grabbed Meliodas by the collar, lifting him slightly.  "I swear to god if you grope her in any way, shape or form I will personally skin you and use your flesh as a jacket." He sneered before coaxing everyone outside, leaving me with Meliodas.

            I groaned softly as Meliodas helped me stand, leaning against him with my arm around his shoulders and his arm around my waist, keeping me stable. 
"You can't sleep outside for a bit, it's not practical in your condition." He said, leading me outside where the others were waiting.  "(Y/n)!" Diane chirped, smiling sweetly.  "How are you feeling?" She asked me as I smiled.  "I'm hurting, but it's nothing I can't handle." I looked around, noticing someone missing.  "Where's Ban?" King sighed and shrugged.  "Said he had some important business to do in town." I nod, groaning as I sat down. 
I wasn't wearing a shirt, but there was gauze wrapped around my waist up to my breasts so I didn't really need one.  There was a bandage on my nose from where Allah had broken it, a couple stitches on my cheek and shoulder, other scrapes bruising other parts of my body. King enchanted a flower in front of me, making it dance as I smiled.
  "Thanks King." He smiled, our attention being drawn to Ban who was walking up the hill again. 
His knuckles were slightly bloody, the bruise I gave him on his cheek apparent, but also a couple new bruises, either way, he was smirking as if he'd just won the damn lottery. I look away from him quietly, still mad from the fight we had.
"Why do you look so smug?" Diane questioned as he snickered.
"I just beat the shit out of that dickhead Hild."
I looked at him quickly, eyes big. 
"You didn't kill him did you?" I ask immediately.  Ban looked at me confused, cocking an eyebrow.  "No, but why would it matter if I did?" I look away, rubbing my arm slightly. 
"What he did was selfish and disgusting, but still..."
I sigh. 
"He made me feel pretty...and wanted...I haven't felt the way I did last night in years..."
Everyone just kind of looked at me surprised, Diane gently picking me up and smiling.  "You've always been pretty (Y/n), you don't need a guy to tell you that." She smiled, making me chuckle.  "Thanks Diane, you're the best." She nodded and set me down with a slight grunt from me, coughing. 
"He lied to you (Y/n), you think he still deserves you?" Ban questioned angrily. 
"I didn't say that asshole, stop acting as if you deserve me either when you've done nothing but insult me for the past two days..." I say quietly, looking out past the hill.  I heard Ban walk past me, wincing as I heard the door to the tavern slam shut, letting out a small sigh.

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