Don't Ruin This

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"Get out of my way Ban."
"You're not leaving the tavern."
"I am going to fight just the same as you! Now get out of my way before I force you!" You snapped at the fox, bringing your baton into contact with Ban's chest as he was blown backwards from his spot of blocking the exit to the tavern. "Come on (Y/n), don't injure him even before we get there, we need all the hands we can get." Meliodas pouted at you, though you just stared at Ban as he stood angrily.
"I'm not letting you fight, princess."
"You can't stop me, asshole." You growled, aiming your baton at him again.
"I can and I will, but if you just cooperate I won't have to knock you out and leave you here!"
Another swing to Ban's chest sent him to the ground again, your foot going on his abdomen and baton pointed at his throat.
"It's reckless demons like them that give my people a bad name, if you don't think I'm going to fight for my pride then you've got another thing coming to you fox. Now you can let me come with you without a fight, or you can try your damndedest to knock me out, but I'm bringing you down with me, and then the team will be down two perfectly capable soldiers. It's your choice fox." You sneered as Ban glared at you, throwing you off of him and standing before walking away.
"If you get killed, it's not my fault."
You attached your batons to your back stubbornly, walking next to Elizabeth as you all walked towards the battlefield.

"It's...over..." You whispered, falling onto your knees in the soft grass, tears flowing down your cheeks as a saddened but relieved smile graced your features.
You dropped your batons onto the ground, sighing deeply as you heard the other sighs and cheers of relief and victory come from the other knights. You heard your name being called, looking around with tired eyes as you watched the Greed sin running towards you, soon dropping in front of you and clutching you in his arms.
The feeling came back to your body after a moment, holding the newly scarred man in your arms.
"I saw you get hit, I thought you went down...god you're alive..."
You chuckled as Ban slowly moved, resting his head in your lap and staring up at the sky.
"You're getting it tonight, princess."
"Don't ruin the moment Ban."

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