Date Night

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"You look gorgeous..." Hild whispered to me, making me chuckle shyly and blush lightly. "You look good too." I smile.
King had made Eliza and I dresses that fit us perfectly. Hers went just below her knees and was straight, but hugged her natural curves, holding a light pink colour. Mine was just above my knees, black, with a top that hugged my curves and turned flowey by my waist, with lace sleeves that went to my elbows.
I linked arms with Hild, walking down the hill with him and the other two. "Where are we going?" Elizabeth asked Gald. "We have arrangements at a little restaurant across from the museum." He explained as we nodded.

Ban's POV

I watched the four head into a restaurant, going inside and getting a table for two, since table for one wasn't an option. I watched them from afar, hiding behind the menu anytime it seemed like Elizabeth or (Y/n) looked in my direction. At one point (Y/n) almost did see me, but when I looked back she was laughing and leaning on Hild like they'd been dating for years. I growled, standing and simply leaving the place, going back to the tavern.

I laid in bed, staring at my ceiling, unable to sleep from pure anger at that stupid guard that was womanizing (Y/n).
Elizabeth and her date had been back for an hour already!
I jumped up once I heard laughs, looking out the window and seeing (Y/n) and her stupid date coming up the hill. I opened the window slightly, just enough so their voices would drift into my room.
"Tonight was fun, thank you for bringing me out."
I sighed quietly at the sound of (Y/n)'s voice, softer and sweeter than it was earlier when she got mad at me.
"No problem, will I be able to see you again?"
I could hear (Y/n) sigh, snickering quietly to myself.
"I'm really sorry Hild, but we leave in two days, and we'll be packing up tomorrow."
I smirk to myself.
"Okay...Maybe we'll see each other again someday then."
"I hope so."
I heard silence, no footsteps or talking, just silence. I quietly glanced out my window, wanting to gag at what I saw.
(Y/n) was stood on her toes, hands pressed to Hild's dumb chest with his grimy hands on her waist, the two kissing in a grossly romantic way. I mentally vomited once they pulled away, their foreheads together and smiling.
"Goodnight Hild." (Y/n) said gently, opening the tavern door.
"Sweet dreams (Y/n)." He smiled back, the door closing as he walked back down the hill.
I sighed in defeat, laying back down on my bed and staring at the ceiling. I wasn't angry anymore, I didn't know what emotion I was feeling. I turned over, closing my eyes, wishing I would just stop thinking about (Y/n).

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