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"I'm not gonna fight some little girl with pointy sticks."
"First of all-"
The girl grinned, spinning one baton in her hand and swinging it to hit Ban in the knees, causing him to tumble over.
"I'm not a little girl."
She placed the end of the other baton on his chest, the fox looking down before she flicked it up and hit his chin.
"And second of all-"
(Y/n) smiled again, spinning both of the batons, pinning his hands down with one and the other hovering dangerously over his family jewels.
"They're war batons."
Ban looked up at her, smirking and snickering quietly. "Seems like you're good with your hands, Wanna train me with them?"
The girl rolled her eyes, pulling back her weapons and leaning on them. "Only in your dreams." She hummed, blowing him a kiss before exiting back into the cave her and the rest of the team were accommodating for the next few nights.

"Yo Meliodas, where's the runt?" Ban woke up confused, sitting up and running his hand through his thick hair. The blond man didn't wake up, causing the fox to hit him in the chest casually as he looked around. Meliodas groaned and sat up, looking around.
"We told her to sleep in here tonight, didn't we?"
"Maybe she went out for water?" King suggested groggily as he sat up as well, all three getting caught off guard by a scream outside. "It's Diane!" King left the cave quickly, Ban and Meliodas not far behind. "Help!" Diane screamed, writhing on the ground underneath a sudden flow of water. (Y/n) stood on Diane's chest, a boulder raised above her head with another wave of water.
"Ine sadzalola inu kuvulaza Ababa."
Her voice seemed to float among the air, eyes rid of pupils and white and instead filled with glowing blue light. "Inu aphimbe machimo anu!" She yelled, separating her hands quickly as the boulder fell, luckily being caught by King mere inches from Diane's face.
"(Y/n) what the hell? Snap out of it!" Ban yelled, grabbing the seemingly possessed girl by her shoulders.
"Musakhudze ine!"
Ban slapped her, the girl collapsing for a moment before opening her eyes, now back to their normal (e/c) hue.
She stood, looking around.
"What...where am I?" She asked, looking up at Ban. The fox stared back at her, into her scared and confused eyes and in that moment he felt something tug at his chest. "We're outside the cave, you came out to get a drink of water and fainted." He lied in response, helping her stand. "Dehydration I guess, ironic right?" Ban grinned as the beautiful woman in front of him smiled and nodded.
Another tug.
"Sorry if I worried all of you, I didn't mean to disturb your sleep."
"Let's just get back to sleep." King said sleepily, glancing at Diane worriedly every so often. (Y/n) nodded, going to take a step before being lifted bridal-style by the silver-haired fox.
"Let's not risk another accident, huh princess?" He grinned, walking back to the cave.

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