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"My batons are where?!" I snap, looking at Meliodas in disbelief. 
"In some high-security museum on display as an antique."
I huff, looking away. 
"I'm not that old..." You mumble as King chuckled. 
"(Y/n), you're almost 3000 years old."
I whine at him, crossing my arms over my chest. 
"So how are we supposed to get them?" Elizabeth asked quietly, standing next to me.
Meliodas stopped, just staring at the both of us before smiling.

            "I can't believe I agreed to do this..." I grumble, walking with Elizabeth. 
We both wore revealing outfits that none other than our ass-kissing blond friend had chosen. 
"They'll be the perfect distraction!" He said, handing you the outfits
You sighed, looking around the museum grumpily.  Short skirts and tight crop tops that were both uncomfortable to walk in.
  "I'm gonna kill him for this." You sighed as you saw the guards outside the exhibit that was your batons, you glancing at Elizabeth.  "You ready?" She hummed nervously, nodding.  You saw King in your peripheral vision, waiting for your signal. 
You plastered on a fake smile, walking with Elizabeth and 'dropping' your purse as you passed the guards.
"Hey, miss!"
You turned with the grey haired girl next to you, looking at him curiously.  Him and his companion's attention was immediately caught by your striking outfits, the two smiling. 
"You dropped this." The brunet guard handed you the bag with a grin as his greenish haired friend smiled nervously at Elizabeth.
"Oh, thank you officer!" You said in fake desperation, batting your eyelashes. 
By this point Meliodas and Ban had already snuck into the exhibit, King using some weird magic to make them undetectable. 
"Oh please, any good person would have done it." He grinned more, obviously puffing his chest out a bit while Elizabeth made semi-flirty small talk with the other guard. 
"Well you're very kind officer...?" You hummed, waiting for his name. 
"Hild." He finished for you, smiling. 
There was a small noise from the exhibit, both guards looking towards the room as you and Elizabeth went into extreme-flirt mode to keep them distracted. 
"You seem to have so many badges! Can you tell me what they're for?" You ask quickly, placing you hand on Hild's chest, smiling sweetly at him. 
He looked down at me and chuckled, nodding and starting to explain his badges.  I nodded as he spoke, acting shy at certain points and laughing at his crappy puns.  He was in depth about one of the badges when there was a crash from the exhibit.  I mumbled a cuss under my breath as I noticed that Hild was starting to look towards the room as Meliodas and Ban were leaving with my batons.
I quickly grabbed the guard's face, pulling him to me and kissing him deeply.  For some reason Elizabeth's guard didn't notice the crash and just continued talking to her. 
Hild quickly forgot about the noise, holding my hips and kissing back.  I'll give the guy credit: he was pretty good at kissing. 
After a good minute or two I pulled away, smiling at him.  Hild smiled back shyly, clearing his throat. 
"Do you wanna go out with me sometime?" He asked awkwardly while I overheard Elizabeth's target ask her the same thing.  I looked at my feet, hearing Elizabeth say a quiet yes to her new date.  I nod, looking up at Hild.
  "It sounds great." I smile, glancing at Elizabeth. 
"A double date then?" Her guard asked cutely.  I linked arms with my companion, nodding.  "We're not in town for very long, does tonight work?" Elizabeth asked in her airy voice.  They both nodded, smiling.  "Where are you guys staying? We'll come get you later tonight." The other guard said sweetly.  "The tavern on top of the hill." I reply gently, suddenly feeling genuinely shy as Hild looked at me, staring at my feet.  "Great, we'll see you later then." Said Elizabeth's date. 
The two guards kissed our hands before we left, Elizabeth and I running out of the building quickly and panting as we sat in the field.
"Eliza...we're going on a date tonight." I smile at her as we took each other's hands, squealing a little bit. 
"Come on, let's head back." She giggled as we stood, heading back to the tavern.

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