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"Jesus, couldn't they have fixed up the dump a little bit at least..." You grumbled, walking alongside your friends.
You weren't a sin, not exactly at least. You're water demon blood already kind of placed you at the borderline of sin already, but you weren't a part of the official seven, though you didn't mind. Two cane like weapons were strapped into the harness on your back, creating an X-shape that stretched across the width of your body.
"Sorry, we forgot to notify them that the princess was coming." Ban snickered as you hit the side of his armour slightly.
"Shut up knuckle head."
"That's Mr. Knuckle Head to you."
You both snickered quietly as the doors in front of you opened, everyone immediately freezing, breaths caught in your throats.
"Zaratras...?" You heard Diane whisper before the sound of clinking metal broke your thoughts. You all looked behind you and outside, seeing just about every holy knight waiting for you eight. You stepped forward, smirking.
"Come on fellas, can't we make some sort of arrangement?" You hummed. "Back down Demon!" One shouted, pointed his spear at you. You scoffed and rolled your eyes, placing your finger on the tip of the blade and moving it away from your body.
"Fine, but I've got just one thing to say." You grinned again, showing off your teeth.
"Run boys."
You laughed as the other seven behind you fled, fighting as they went while you jumped out the window. "There's lady (Y/n)! Get her!"
Before you hit the ground you gathered water from a nearby fountain, making a wave and simply riding over the knights. "I'd like to see you try~"

"You're sure you want to do this darling?"
You looked at Merlin and sighed.
"Of course I'm not sure, but I've gotta keep you guys safe. I'd rather die than give any info if they catch me, of course I'd never give it up in the first place, but we don't know the extent of their magic, and they'll have tricks, I know it."
The raven haired girl sighed and nodded, taking your weapons that you handed her.
"Where do you want me to hide these?"
"Anywhere, I don't care, just don't let me find them."
She nodded, taking your hands and kissing your knuckles.
"We won't forget you (Y/n)..." She said softly. You nodded, closing your eyes. "Do it, I'm ready." You said softly.
And with those simple words, everything was gone.

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