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Eun Jisoo; High Cut Studio

"Why are we seeing each other everywhere?" I asked as he gaped at me, "What? Aren't you happy to meet a celebrity?"

"Um, but how we met wasn't so pleasant." I said while looking around the room. I hear him groan a little before saying, "Well then do you want to stay and get some coffee? Technically it's free."

"Ne?" I asked while thinking Should I? Or should I not? Ugh but I haven't beaten Yisoon in a really long time now, "No thank you."

"Aw, come on. Just one drink?" he asked pouting

"Don't act like we're so close!" I barked crossing my arms, "Fine, but I'm only doing it for the coffee." He gave me a little smirk of victory before walking away to the studio.

"Chogiyo, don't run away! I don't know how to get in there!" I shouted but he just continues to walk.


Eun Jisoo; High Cut Studio After Photoshoot

As I sipped my coffee I watched as he walked out of the dressing room with what he was wearing before. A staff member passes him a cup of coffee and he receives it politely. He walks over and sits down on a chair one apart from mine.

"Why are you sitting so far?" I asked him, "Weren't you the one who asked me to come in here? Are you playing with me right now?"

"What do you mean?" he scoffed, "How am I suppose to talk to you if I'm literally right in front of your face?"

"I mean you can but sure whatever," I shrugged as I continued to drink my cup of coffee. I feel his eyes on me as I finished up my coffee and before I can complain he interrupted me, "So you work at Milky Way Cafe right?"

"Ne," I nodded without looking his way. I hear him sigh before continuing, "Do you work at a cafe because you like coffee or that you don't have money?"

"Partially. I'm not poor but I'm not rich either. I like coffee but I don't drink the coffee without paying. Also I've basically given up on dreams so there is really no point of thinking of getting some cool job."

"Given up on dreams?" he asked, "What dreams?" That's when I turned around and glared at him, "None of your business. I'm leaving." and just like that he let me go without complaints.


Eun Jisoo; A Few Days Later At 은하카페 (Milky Way Cafe)

I sighed as I rested my head on my arms while scratching the dust off of the counter. I feel Yisoon walk over and lean her head over to mine, the top of our heads barely touching each other. I hear her let out a long sigh, "Ya, what's wrong with you? My look-alike is on TV and suddenly you have no interest? I thought you loved Seulgi."

I looked up at the TV to see the actress introduce herself and the MCs start bringing up old stories of her. I exhaled loudly, "I don't know, I just don't feel anything right now."

"What? Did something happen yesterday? Are you on your week?"

I stood up and slapped her on the back, "Yah! How can you assume that?" She let out a cute laugh and stuck out her two fingers to make a V, "Mian."

I snorted lightly before covering my mouth in surprise, "I'll tell you, yesterday I took a new route and then I saw a gymnastics class and got all gloomy."

"Ah, whoops I shouldn't have asked." she giggled lightly, trying to lighten the mood. I turned to her and gave her a little smile, pinching her cheeks.

"Yah, I'm older than you, you can't do that to me." she pouted. I just laughed at her, "You're still cute, like a puppy." I turned towards the door as I heard the bell hanging above ringing.

"Welcome." Yisoon smiled as she bowed but then straightened her back right away letting out a super loud gasp. I knew what she saw and covered her mouth as before she could say anything, Ugh Park Hyungsik I complained mentally. Her eyes grew wide at what she was seeing and slapped my hand away from her mouth.

"Welcome, how can I help you?" she smiled as she dashed to the front counter. I looked at her, surprised at her actions as she continued smiling brightly.

"Black coffee, small and iced." he said as he passed cash over and then he looked at me at the same time we said, "Follow me out." and at the same time we walked out from where we were standing, leaving Yisoon confused.

"You! Stop stalking me!" I shouted at him pointing my finger at his face as he flinched a little making his sunglasses sink down revealing his eyes Shit I cursed to myself. They were red as if he had to cut a whole bag of onions this morning and had dark eye bags as if he hadn't slept for days.

"Are you okay?" I asked all of a sudden out of concern, he must have sensed something weird too as he flinched again before pushing his sunglasses back up while giving me an awkward cough.

"Give me your number," he said as he passed over his phone while looking away to avoid eye contact although his sunglasses made it impossible for me to even see his eyes.

"Why must I do that?" I asked him, backing up a little. He sighed "Can I get a discount?"

"What?" I frowned at him not getting the hint he was trying to drop.

"Well you need to text me the online coupon link so I know," he smirked. What stupidity is that? I asked myself.

I rolled my eyes and unlocked my phone, "I'll just show it to you and you'll take a picture of it" but before I could do anything more he grabbed my phone and ran to his car.

"Yah!" I yelled, "Give it back!" He fake laughed loudly as he jumped into his car. I run over and tried to open the door to the driver's seat but it was locked. I watched as he adds my number to his contacts and his number to mine. I rolled my eyes as he came out of the car and passed me my phone.

I backed up a little onto the street letting him close the front door. Mistake, it was a big one.

"Jisoo!" I hear him yell and in a blink of an eye, I was pulled away from the street and pushed against his car. 

I opened my eyes to see how close he was to me, his body was lightly pushing against mine and his sunglasses had slipped down to the tip of his nose, his back facing the streets and his hands pressed against the car, supporting his weight from getting any closer to me. He looked at me right in the eye and for a moment my heart couldn't beat, he snapped out of it and gave yet another little cough before walking back to the cafe.

I entered the shop to feel his presence fly right by me and all I heard was a soft 'be careful'. I turned around to see him starting his car and just like that he drove away.

"What was that?" I asked myself but when I turned around I met face to face with a not very happy Yisoon. She lifted her eyebrows at me, glaring right through me and whispered, "So what was that?"


omg while writing this a lot of the dialogue came to me in korean lol check out the music video above im telling you you wont regret it especially if your a big fan of hyungsik, gn yall gotta pray for that zea comeback and make sure they dont disband before i even really get into them

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