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Eun Jisoo; At Home

I sighed as I recalled that awkwardly pleasant moment, "What was he trying to ask?" I kicked my slippers off and jumped onto my bed as I hear my father complain from downstairs. I frowned a little thinking about the conversation we had.


"Afraid of falling in love." he said as he looked me in the eye. I thought for a moment before giving him a simple answer, "No and yes. I don't know what to fall in love really is and I want to enjoy what other couples enjoy but I think I would be too stupid to know what love really is. I claim to have a total crush on Park Seojun but honestly, I don't feel anything."

He nodded slowly and then stopped, "Wait, did you say you like Park Seojun? As in the one I worked with."

"Ne, I-" but before I could say anything else my phone started to ring. I picked up the call and it was my father, "Are you coming home yet?"

"Dad! I'm 27, I know how to take care of myself!" I complained as I gave Hyungsik a silent good-bye, I walked through the door and down the stairs quickly, "I'm coming home right now, getting inside my car!"

"Uh okay! I'm hanging up," he acknowledged and then hung up. I sighed a little and walked over to my car.

"Jisoo!" I heard a voice call me. I looked up to see Hyungsik with his head over the edge of the rails, his head resting on his hand. I gave him a big wave as he waved back at me. I got into my car and started the engine, as I drove away I watched my side mirror until he had disappeared from the view. Park Hyungsik, you're one weird person.

End of Flashback

I clicked the light off and lied down to sleep. But I couldn't because the question Hyungsik had asked kept on bothering me, "What really is love?"


Park Hyungsik; A Few Days Later

I sighed as I got off my car and locked it. I looked towards the small building in front of me to see the event going on. I breathed in slowly and then exhaled slowly, tugging on my dark clothes from nervousness, I walked over with a bag full of gifts in hand.

I approached the group of men and women but I couldn't seem to find him, "Excuse me, do you know where Mr. Kim is?" some gave me dirty looks, others walked or turned away so they would have nothing to do with me.

I just gave them a bow and walked away quietly, then suddenly a loud voice called to me, "Hyungsik?" Just like everyone else, I turned around towards the loud abrupt voice to see Yisoon.

She walked over to me quickly and then whispered, "Sorry I yelled so loudly."

"No problem," I shrugged, "By why are you here? Do you know Ms. Kim?" She pursed her lips for a moment and then whispered, "Well, that was what I was going to ask you. I'm here because my mother's friend died."

"Ms. Kim?" I asked as she nodded, "Actually my manager's wife died so I'm here to pay my respect, but I'm not so sure he wants to see me right now."

"Why?" she asked as she peeked into the bag I was holding, "What's in there?"

"Oh, just expensive stuff I want to give. He kind of hates me right now," I grimaced at the thought of it, "He actually didn't invite me here."

"Aish," she mumbled, "Mr. Kim isn't a really happy person right now. I heard from my mom that he isn't earning a lot."

"And that's my fault," I admitted, "I'm just stupid. Anyways, do you know where he is?"

"Over there," she said as she pointed across the field, "He's just standing there looking through the coffin." Even in the dark, he stood out for some reason, maybe because of his emotions omitting a strong aura.

I walked over slowly, cautious of my actions I looked down to the ground as I walked over, apologizing whenever I bumped into someone. Finally I had reached the front where he was, I looked into the see-through coffin to see her lying there, pale white but still as warm and beautiful as I had remembered.

After awhile he finally noticed me, he walked over without saying. I bowed 90 degrees and passed him the bag full of presents wrapped carefully that way they wouldn't break.

"Why are you here?" he growled dangerously. I bowed again and said, "I am here to pay my respect and give you this."

"Ridiculous!" he shouted as he peered into the bag, it was full of the most expensive glass art I could find in the area along with a few bundles of flowers. He glared at me and closed the bag, "You idiot! All celebrities are like this! Are you giving me money AFTER my wife has died?"

He threw the bag on the floor and the sound of glass breaking echoed in the area. As everyone turned around to see what was happening, I knelt down to beg for forgiveness, "I'm sorry. Please forgive me. It was stupid of me to not do anything! I'm very sorry!"

I hear the faint rustle as he pulled out the flowers from the bag and started beating me with it. I stayed still as I let him shout and beat me because that was what I deserved, it was for neglecting my duties in this world.

"Hyungsik!" I hear from the side, I knew it was Yisoon but I didn't dare to look at her, I didn't dare to look at anyone. Then he stopped hitting me with the flowers and I watched as the dead flowers fell to the ground.

My eyes grew big as I heard him pick up the bag which now only had shattered glass in it. He was going to hit me with it. Before I could react, from the side, Yisoon shouted, "Stop!"

And it was as if the world had stopped spinning for a moment. From the side I hear someone, probably her mom, scold her for shouting so loud at a funeral but she didn't care. I hear footsteps approach my side, "Ahjussi, please don't do that, it's dangerous."

I stood up quickly and before anyone could stop me, I walked away quickly as Yisoon tried to chase after me but she was wearing clothes she could not run in, "Hyungsik-ssi!"

I unlocked my car and jumped in. I sighed and cover my face with my hands, the next moment I had found myself crying, not able to stop.


Eun Jisoo; At Home

I hear the house phone ring and I run downstairs to pick it up, "Yoboseyo?"

"Hey, Jisoo!" Yisoon shouted from the other end. I groaned a little, "Hey don't shout in my ear. Anyways, how was the funeral?"

"Horrible, but you would never guess who was there." she whispered. I opened my mouth to ask who but was interrupted by a loud ring from my room, a new ringtone I had recently placed into my phone, "Aish, Hyungsik's calling."

"Oh," I hear her say happily, I could almost imagine her smirk, "Go pick it up, he'll tell you what happened at the funeral." and with that she hung up on me before I could even ask her what she meant. I ran back upstairs and picked the call up, trying not to sound like a panting dog, I breathed in before saying, "Yoboseyo?"

"Jisoo? Do you have time?" and that was when I knew something wrong was going on. His tone sounded really tired. I looked up at the clock, "Well, I was going to go to sleep in a few minutes. Why ask?"

"Can you come over?"

"Why not tomorrow?" I asked, "I'm sure it can wait, right?" but his answer was different, "No it can't..." he paused for a moment.

"I need you, tonight and right now."

drama ↔ park hyung sik #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now