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Eun Jisoo; At Home

"Come on!" I groaned, "You said yes already, you can't change your mind." I watched as my dad sighed, "I changed my mine, cancel it."

"But dad," I frowned, "What if I tell him you changed your mind and then he tells everyone!" But my dad just sat there and shrugged, "So?" I gave myself a mental face palm, "He's really popular! If he tells everyone you aren't really gonna pay him so much plus you kick him away, he could tell someone and ruin our business."

I watched as my dad thought for a moment, "Fine. But make sure you don't stay close to him. I would've been more comfortable if we had gotten a female to do this, at least something won't happen to you." I just rolled my eyes, "Night dad, I'm going to sleep." and I left the room to get some sleep.


I woke up to a loud crash from the living room, right away I knew what it was. We didn't have much money so renting a studio would be hard. Making our living room into a studio was cheaper and easier.

I quickly washed up before heading downstairs to great all the staff. I thanked them over and over again until I was tired of bowing. I grabbed a small breakfast and sat down to eat as my phone vibrated on the table. Hyungsik had sent a text saying he was heading this way in a few minutes. I sighed as I replied him, Remember to act like we just met. Or else you and I might as well be dead meat.

Acting never came easily to me but I had to try to save my soul. If anything happens, it might get out of hand.


Park Hyungsik; At Jisoo's House

I gulped from the unexpected nervous feeling spreading through my body. I was an actor and this job didn't seem so hard, acting like you don't know someone, but now that I had reached her house. Something felt off.

I walked in and bowed to all of the staff, telling them good morning and asking how's their morning. And then I met Jisoo's father. You could say he looked like a nice guy but the way he talked to me kind of startled me, "Go get ready, I'm sure you want this done as soon as possible." and then he walked away before I could even properly greet him.

I walked over to the "dressing room" that was prepared for me to see Jisoo amongst some staff, getting everything ready. They all turned around and bowed to me as I bowed back to them. I was about to walk up to her when she walked up first and stuck out her hand, "I'm Mr. Eun's daughter, Eun Jisoo. Nice to meet you Hyungsik ssi."

Right away, I almost called her a born actress. The way she said it was as if she never knew me in the first place and for some reason, I felt lost for a moment. It was all acting but it felt as if you turned back the time to before any such meeting and change it so the future would be different.

"Ah, yes," I smiled, "Nice to meet you." Even playing along made me feel sad as if my life was all a dream, all a lie. I watched as she bowed before quickly exiting, leaving me alone with the stylist and make up artists.

I had Jisoo's father sign a contract on the usage of the photos and he signed somewhat willingly but at the same time it felt like he forced himself to do so. The photoshoot got started right away and I got to work. But as I worked I looked for Jisoo in the small crowd. Every time our eyes met, she looked away and walked to the back of the crowd.

It was disappointing to see her being so anxious about it all. Every time I was near her, she tried to leave. Every time I looked at her, she walked away. In some ways, you could say, I missed her.

I sighed as the photoshoot finished up with the last look at all the raw photos. I thanked everyone for their hard work and shook hands with some of the staff as they packed up. I was about to walk into the kitchen when I heard Jisoo talking to her father, "Come on dad, we asked him to help. Paid him so little. We should at least bring him out for lunch!"

"No," he whispered loudly to her, "I told you already. I don't like him." I hear her groan lightly like she always does when she gets frustrated, "What if he goes around talking about how badly we treated him?" There is silence before the other agreed, "Fine. But go with Yisoon, I don't want to go."

I quietly backed up to prevent them from leaving the kitchen to find me eavesdropping on their conversation. When I got back to the living room, a few moments later Jisoo came up to me and said, "I would like to treat you for lunch since you've helped us so much today."

"Ah," I chuckled awkwardly (on purpose), "No, it's okay. It was a pleasure to help out." I watched as she continued her act, "Well, consider this as helping out okay? It's just one meal."

"I guess there's no harm in that," I shrugged as we walked toward the door and out of the house. As quickly as we could, we got into my car without looking suspicious. As soon as we drove out of her father's view, our act was over.

"Hey," I told her, "You're pretty good at acting." I hear her scoff from the shotgun, "Don't say that. You and Yisoon keep on doing that."

"Oh sorry," I laughed awkwardly as I passed her my unlocked phone, "Get me to Yisoon's place." She looked at me for a moment, "Where you listening to our conversation?"

"Yeah," I shrugged, "Doesn't matter, what matters now is to finish lunch up quickly before your father gets suspicious." Getting to Yisoon's place was easy and right away we picked a place to eat.

Driving there took time but it didn't really matter much. I watched as the red light turned green and I pressed on the pedal. But without knowing, I passed another green light without thinking. I couldn't feel anything much and I didn't notice anything until I heard Jisoo scream, "Hyungsik! Watch out!"

I snapped open my eyes and swerved the car to the side to avoid crashing into the car coming right towards us, driving us quickly to an unfortunate location. Right away I pressed down on the brakes and closed my eyes as the metal pole got closer.

The car quickly came in contact with the item, throwing us backward violently and bringing us back to the front, making me slam my head on the steering wheel. And for a moment, it was as if the world had stop and turned all black.


No updates on this or signed for a whole week okay? I have a final coming up in a week and I need to study, since it's summer school everything we learned is all shoved into a few weeks and it's really hard to catch up when you fall behind so I will need to take some time off of updating.

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