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Eun Jisoo; At Hyungsik's Place

As soon as I pressed the doorbell he opened the door and I saw a serious face for a moment before it changed into a happy smile, "Well you sure are brave."

"For what?" I asked as I walked in, he just shrugged and then sat down on his couch, "Come sit over here."

"Um, okay," I murmured as I sat down next to him, "What do you need help with?"

"Let me ask you something first," he smirked, "You. Are you my friend?"

I looked at him with my eyebrows raised, "Uh yeah?"

"I don't think so," he shook his head playfully, "I dropped the honorifics and you seem to not like it." I disagreed, "No, just surprised? I guess?"

He chuckled a little and then suddenly laid his head on my lap and rested his feet on the edge of the couch, "Help me. I can't fall asleep."

"Why are you asking me to help you?" I asked, "Why can't you fall asleep?"

"Um," he pouted, "Well-"

"Please don't pout, you look too cute and fluffy," I laughed, he laughed too and then continued to pout just to tease me, "Anyways, I was saying, I went to the funeral for my manager's wife, Yisoon was there too."

"Ah," I nodded, "That's what she was talking about."

"Aww, she beat me to it," he pouted. I laughed lightly, "She didn't say much, she said you would tell me since you interrupted our phone call."

"Oh, right," he said as his face turned serious, "I got hated on while I was there. I gave my manager gifts and he threw them at me. Yisoon stopped him before he could throw the glass art at me."

"Aigoo," I sighed as rested my elbow on the couch arm and leaned my face on my hand, "Don't worry he will get over with it sooner or later."

"But he didn't look like he wanted to. He looked really serious about throwing that at me, and nobody stopped him. Was it all his plan or something?" he asked.

"I'm not sure," I sighed as I reached over to the end of the couch and pulled the blanket over him, "How am I suppose to help you sleep?"

"Story time!" he smirked, "Tell me a story!" I rolled my eyes, "Story?! I don't have any, and are you still a kid?"

"Tell me the story about why you gave up on dreams." he demanded as he looked up at me, "I want to know."

"Why do I have to tell you?" I complained as I pushed his face away from me with my finger, "It's my private information."

"But aren't we friends? I've already told you so many things about myself! I mean the only person who knows all that I've told you is you!" I sighed, "Fine, as long as you promise me you'll sleep."

"Promise," he smiled as he lifted his hand up to make a pinky promise but I slapped his hand away, "Are you a kid? I don't do these things."

He frowned and looked away, waiting for me to start. I sighed again and began, "Okay so I said I quitted doing gymnastics after I got hurt. That was one of the reasons. While I was in the hospital resting, Yisoon won the bronze for the semifinals. Right before the finals, I had quit. Yisoon soon after also quit because the reason why she joined was because of me, without me around everyone said whatever they wanted to her."

"But what's the other reason you quit?" he asked, "I can see right through you." I glared at him and poked his forehead, "Shut up stupid! I was just getting there. Do you know the actress Shin Jihye?"

He thinks for awhile and then suddenly everything fell into pieces for him, "Yeah! Are you really her daughter?" he sat up and pointed at me, "Are you? Are you?" I groaned as I pulled him back down, "Yes, and she is the other reason why I quit gymnastics."

"Really? Why?" he asked as I glared at him and before I could say anything he shouted, "Right! You were just about to get there."

"I don't know how you're going to sleep like this," I sighed, "Anyways, a few weeks before the competition some drama started to rise from my household. My mother suddenly left us a few months before and it was right after ATC had collapsed. My father, as the CEO Eun Sangcheol, lost all his employees and a lot of money. Turns out, my mother was actually under all this. She had snaked into the system and had bought a lot of the company during our lost era where lots of money disappeared. She had people buy parts of the company and convinced my father that they would help make the company better and when basically more than 50% of the company was bought, the stockholders ruined the company. She then ran away with that money and the people that worked for her got some of the money too."

"Wow, we should totally make this into a drama," he mumbled, I glared at him, "Just let me finish you were the one who wanted to know. Anyways my father found out and wanted to sue her and divorce her with the evidence he had. But she had more money, she didn't want everything to go to him so she threatened my father. And still to this day she uses the money occasionally to ruin something, anything. She threatened to buy our cafe and so she did and then we had to move to a smaller one. A few years ago, I had tried getting into some good colleges but she had paid them to reject me so I had to go to a decent college which didn't get me around in much jobs. And yeah, that's basically most of it."

"Oh is that why your father doesn't like actors and actresses?" he asked, I nodded, "I haven't seen my mom since we moved to this location, but I think she still visits my dad to threaten him once in awhile."

"I know this is a lot to ask but can you help me out?"

"Tell me what it is first," I frowned not sure if I should help or not. He doesn't say anything for a moment, thinking about if he should tell me.

"Can you be my manager? Just for a week?"

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