~Chapter 6~

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A/N~I'm so sorry this took so long. I had a lot of tests and homework this week so I didn't really have time to write.


Keith was uncomfortable, though he would never admit it.  Shiro and the others had left him with a bunch of aliens.  The Alteans seemed nice enough, but Keith had some issues in the 'making friends' department.  Lance would probably laugh at him if he said that out loud.  Stupid Lance, not everyone can be great at making friends.

Keith watched Allura as she stood tall in front of him, concentrating on keeping the portals open.  Coran was nowhere to be found.  He was probably trying to fix up the castle, it's over ten thousand years old, after all.  Keith's attention finally turned toward the last Altean, Zanya.

Keith watched as Zanya sat, thinking.  What was the white-haired Altean thinking about?  Keith was getting extremely uncomfortable standing around awkwardly, so he took a chance and walked up toward the thinking male, which took about all the courage that he had, did he mention that he had no social skills?



Zanya was startled out of his thoughts and let out a small cry.  The one who had startled him quickly took a step back, muttering multiple apologies.

"Oh, sorry," Zanya said, calming down, "you just startled me.  Was there anything you need from me?"

The black-haired male looked at Zanya nervously, as if unsure what he wanted to say.  He opened his mouth, then closed it again.  Zanya smiled at him, encouraging him to just say whatever he was planning to say.

"Uh..." Keith said, "I was just wondering...."

"Wondering what?"

"Could you, um, show me around this place?  I just got here, and I have a feeling I'm going to be staying for a while."

Zanya grinned at Keith, who had been giving the Altean anxious look up until now.  He stood up, still smiling.

"Of course!  You should probably get to know this place if your going to live here, right?"  Zanya smiled at Keith, turning and beckoning him to follow.  Keith gave Zanya a thankful smile, and followed behind him into the deeper parts of the castle.


Shiro quickly landed the pod in the hanger of the castle, Pidge following behind him in the newly acquired green lion. The journey had been easy, and Shiro hoped that Lance and Hunk hadn't encountered any trouble. Shiro jumped out of the pod and paced toward the main control room, Pidge following closely behind him. He hoped that everyone back at the castle was alright, too.

When Pidge and Shiro entered the room, they were just in time to see Lance and Hunk fly through the wormhole with their new lions. Shiro let out a relieved sigh, but it was cut short when he noticed that Keith and Zanya were missing.

"Um, Princess, do you know where Keith and Zanya went?" Shiro asked Allura as she closed the wormhole.

"They're somewhere in the castle," Allura replied to him, smiling, "I believe that my brother is giving Keith a tour."

"Oh," Shiro said, a pang of jealousy running through his body. Would Zanya give him a tour, too? Allura gave him a sly smile, but quickly turned around as he gave her a puzzled look.

"YOU GUYS WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED!" Lance yelled as he and Hunk entered the room. Shiro gave a small chuckle, turning his attention away from Allura and toward the yelling boy. As Lance was telling his and Hunk's crazy adventure of getting the yellow lion, Shiro noticed two certain males enter the room, smiling and talking with each other. He felt the jealousy rise up throughout his entire body. Lance seems to notice the two entering also, and he quickly turned his attention toward them.

"So we're guys makin' out or something?" Lance said, smirking. Keith's face grew bright red and Zanya snickered.

"Don't worry Lance, I was just giving Keith a tour, you can still date him," Zanya laughed, causing Keith to squawk with protest and Lance's face to turn red. Zanya laughed even more, and walked over to his sister. She smiled at him, and then turned to address all of the Paladins.

"Alright, everyone," she said, "We only have one more lion to retrieve, and thanks to Coran our castle is almost fully operational!"

"I've also located the red lion!" Coran exclaimed as he entered the room. "There's some bad news though."

"What is it?" Pidge asked.

"Well it's good that I've found the red lion, but it's bad that it's on a Galra ship, the one that's circling this planet now, in fact!" Coran said.

"The Galra found us already!?" Shiro exclaimed, face filled with worry. Suddenly, a face appeared on the communication screen.

"This is commander Sendak of the Galra Empire. I am here to take the rest of the lions. If you try and put up a fight, you will be killed on the spot." a loud, deep voice boomed from the screen.

Shiro turned toward Zanya, who had a look of pure terror on his face.


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