~Chapter 9~

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A/N~SO SORRY that I haven't updated in FOREVER. I'll make this chapter extra long. I've just read some previous chapters, and oh my god they are already so bad.  I'll make sure to edit those soon.  I have a question for you readers, though. Would you like some side Klance 😏, or is that too much?


"OK, change of plans. Keith, we need you to go get the red lion. That way, we can rescue the prisoners without straying from our objective." Shiro told Keith.

"Wait, me? By myself?" The mullet-head replied, "I don't know where the lion is!" Shiro sighed, trying to think of something to say.

"Keith," Zanya suddenly faced the other, "you are the paladin of the red lion, you will know what to do." Keith's unsure expression became a determined one and he listened to the Altean. Shiro watched out of the corner of his eye as Zanya grinned and patted Keith on the shoulder, causing Keith to give a small smile back. The black paladin could feel the jealously building up inside him.

"Let's go!" Pidge said urgently, "we're losing time!" Shiro snapped out of his trance and quickly followed the short boy, but still catching a glimpse of the caring look Keith and Zanya gave each other as they parted ways.


A smile worked its way onto Zanya's face as he, Pidge and Shiro raced through the halls of the Galra ship. Though dangerous, this was fun to the Altean boy. He felt useful, coming up with the mission plan, helping Keith focus, and even boarding the enemy ship! It gave him confidence, knowing that he was helping.

"Look!" Pidge yelled and pointed to something at the end of the hall. Zanya gripped his sword, ready to attack. Pidge's reflexes were quicker, and the boy fired a blast from gauntlet, knocking the floating drone over.

"We need to leave," Shiro said, "that thing has already seen us." 

"Hey, wait." Pidge bent down and started tinkering with the drone.  He disconnected and reconnected some wires, and the drone buzzed back to life.  Zanya grabbed the hilt of his sword, unsure.  "Look, it's on our side now!  I'm gonna call him Rover!" Pidge grinned proudly. 

Shiro smiled at the green paladin, and started continuing down the hall.  The drone followed behind the group closely.  Shiro stopped in front of a large door as they reached the end of the hallway.

"Rover," Pidge commanded, "open the door."  The drone obliged, flying up the the control panel on the door and scanning it.  After a few seconds, the door slid open, revealing the prisoners the Galra were keeping.

"Dad?"  Pidge hastily entered the cell, eyes quickly darting between the prisoners.  His face slowly changed from hopeful to disappointed as he realized that his father wasn't there.  Shiro entered cell, and Zanya watched as the prisoners' eyes slowly widened, signaling that they recognized the black paladin. 

"Look, everyone!"  An alien of a planet Zanya didn't know spoke up, "It's the champion, he will save us!" 

"I'm the what?"  Shiro's face scrunched up in confusion, "What did you just call me?"

"No time for that, let's just get to the escape pods!"  Pidge beckoned for the prisoners to follow him.


Shiro raced to the escape pods, everyone following closely behind him.  He glanced back at Zanya, who had a determined expression on his face.  The Altean caught Shiro's eyes on him, and grinned.  Shiro could feel his temperature rising, and quickly turned around.

"HALT," a robotic voice called from their left.  Shiro turned to face a group of robot guards, all armed and deadly.  Suddenly, a sharp pain burst out from his right hand, causing him to let out a surprised cry.

"Everyone, get to the escape pods," Shiro heard Zanya order, "we'll make sure that you will be safe!"  After giving the command, the Altean quickly unsheathed his sword, preparing for a fight.  Shiro clutched his right arm, watching as his hand started glowing purple.  He looked from his hand to the guards, and suddenly he made the connection.

Shiro sprang up and lunged at the robots, swiping his right arm at the closet one.  He cut straight through the guard's metal chest, watching it land on the ground in two separate pieces with a thud.  He wasted no more time and plunged his arm into the chest of the second robot.  It took him a matter of seconds to take out all his opponents.

"How...how did you do that?"  Pidge stared at the older paladin.  Shiro examined his hand, the purple glow slowly fading.

"I'm not sure."


Zanya watched as Shiro stood in front of all the lions (Keith had been successful in stealing the red lion from Sendak).  He watched as the black lion let out a loud roar, signifying that Shiro was now her paladin.  The white-haired male smiled as Allura and Coran cheered at the group's success.  Suddenly, an alarm rang out through the castle.

"Sendak's ship is entering our atmosphere!"  Allura's face became worried.  "Paladins, you need to get out there and form Voltron!"

"Alright everyone, let's get out there!"  Shiro yelled, quickly getting into this lion.  The five lions of Voltron took of into the battle, facing the oncoming ship.

Zanya watched as the Galra ship fired its ion canon at the castle.  He ran to grab on the something, but was too late and let out a cry as he was thrown back by the force of the blast.

"Zanya!"  Allura turned to her brother.  The prince slowly sat up, rubbing his now bruised head.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."  Zanya gave his sister a grin, which was followed by a wince.  As another blast was fired, the Altean boy ran and grabbed the control panel, prepared for the oncoming attack.  That blast hit, and he almost lost balance again.  The barrier keeping the castle safe flickered as it weakened from the attack.

Suddenly, as Zanya watched with wide eyes as a figure flew up the the Galra ship. 

"Look!" Allura had tears in her eyes, "Look, they formed Voltron!"  Zanya grinned and laughed as the Defender of the Universe flew toward the Galra ship, forming a large sword and making a long cut down the side. 

"They did it!  They did it!"  Zanya couldn't stop yelling as Voltron continued to stab and slice the enemy ship, watching as it explode in mid air and crashed to the ground.  Voltron landed to the ground, disconnecting into its separate lions.

Zanya followed Allura and Coran outside the castle, beaming as all three of them stopped in front of the humans.  Allura was the first to talk.

"Paladins, you did it!"  Her eyes sparkled with delight, "You saved the planet and the castle!"

"It was a nice warm-up, wasn't it?" Coran cut in, "But just you wait.  You'll have to form Voltron over and over!  You think one ship was a lot?  Wait to you have to stop of fleet of them!"  Zanya laughed as the humans exchanged annoyed and surprised looks.

"Good job!"  Zanya finally spoke, his eyes on Shiro, "You've all done great!  You all are capable and ready to be the defenders the universe needs!"  Shiro smiled back at the prince, and spoke:

"Defenders of the Universe?  That has a nice ring to it."


A/N~This took a long time.  Please vote and comment and stuff!😘😘

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