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Tsunade sat at her desk, sipping at a jug of sake. She tapped her fingers impatiently on her desk in front of her, waiting for something, anything from someone. The summer always meant boredom but on occasion, they had attacks from the Akatsuki, a group of people who had deadly abilities. As of right now, they were looking for all the Tailed Beasts. And that meant they'd come after one of their own villagers.

Suddenly, her eyes focused on a blur in front of her, that shaped into the Copy Cat Ninja of the Leaf Village. His unusual gray hair stood in an interesting way, almost as if it stood at attention in front of the Village leader. In his arms lay a woman, unconscious, bloody and severely bruised. Behind him materialized two Anbu members, each with their unique masks, concealing their faces.

Tsunade got up so suddenly that her chair went crashing into the wall behind her. "What the hell happened?"

The silver-haired ninja released a breath. "We found her lying about a mile away from the village."

"Does she have any identification?"

"She's a familiar face, but right now, does it really matter? She's on the brink of death. Can't you do something?"

Tsunade click-clacked her way over to the man and sighed. "Always making me do more than I have to. Geez."

"But you'll do it?"

She rolled her eyes at the man. "Go call Shizune. She's running an errand for me."

He nodded once, then disappeared, along with the other Anbu members.

Tsunade, now alone with the wounded woman, laid her down on her desk after shoving all her paperwork to the floor. She ran a critical eye over her body, made a few notes and assumptions, then started healing her by passing her glowing hands over the injured woman's body. She gasped when she reached the unconscious woman's head. Her Medical skills showed her a severe head injury.

Shizune's hurried steps sounded outside the door and then it went flying open as she rushed in, with two doctors behind her.

"Oh, my! What happened?"

"Not now, Shizune," Tsunade snapped at her assistant. "Just help me get her out of her bloody clothes and help me heal her."

"Yes, ma'am!"


Unknown POV

Light flooded into my eyes as I opened them. Squinting, I sat up, then groaned and clutched my side.

"Oh, good, you're awake."

My eyes traced their way to the window, where a tall, busty blonde woman stood, facing the window. The mid-afternoon sun flashed its bright rays on her face and I instantly noticed that she was very beautiful and young.

I tried to talk, to ask her where I am, but all that came out of my mouth is a pathetic wheeze.

The blonde turned to face me, with a warm smile on her face. Her brown eyes smiled as well but a deep gut feeling inside of me told me not to trust her friendly smile. After all, everyone's smiling faces merely hide a nasty monster within. "How are you feeling?"

I didn't answer her. Instead, I looked around. The room that I was in was pretty plain, white, small, with only a bed and a nightstand on the side, with a vase of flowers. "Where am I?" I whispered.

She cleared her throat. "You're in the hospital. One of our men found you about a mile from the village, all bloody and bruised. On the brink of death."

I looked down at my hands, to find them bandaged, along with half of my body. The un-bandaged part of my arms is covered in sickly scars that look disturbingly like bite marks. I looked back up at the woman blankly. "Oh."

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