Chapter 21

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Karin POV

When I open my eyes, soft sunlight is streaming in through the windows of my room. I feel the inviting warmth at my back and I sigh in content. Kakashi's arm is thrown over my stomach and we're pressed together intimately. His bare skin at my back makes me shiver as I remember every detail of last night.

I carefully twist around to gaze at his sleeping and relaxed face. Kakashi had fallen asleep on his bed with me last night and waking up to his beautiful face like this makes my heart jump. The mask is still off from last night and a soft smile curves my lips as I remember how the last time we woke up like this was after one of my nightmares. Only then, Kakashi's face was still pretty much a mystery to me and I had tried to take off his mask while he was sleeping. Little did I know that he was already awake and was pretending to be asleep, that sly man.

"Look at you smiling so early in the morning," he says, voice rough and sexy from sleep.

I squeal as he moves to hover over me in one fluid movement. He rests comfortably between my legs and leans forward, giving me a hard kiss that has my whole body shivering with excitement. All of a sudden, I feel very much alive and awake. I kiss him back with everything I have, answering to his request to gain entrance into my mouth. I let him in and throw myself into the kiss like I've never kissed anyone before.

He pulls back, out of breath, but he's grinning. "Well, when I get that type of response, who wouldn't want to wake up like this?"

I laugh and shove his shoulder so he sits back. "Good morning to you too," I say with a wide grin. "And as much as I'd love to stay in bed with you, I actually have something to do today."

He nuzzles my neck, showering it with small kisses. "Oh yeah?"

I gasp when he bites down on that soft skin in the loop between my neck and shoulder. All of a sudden, I'm having difficulty remembering what we were discussing. "Yeah, I'm- I'm going to shop," I stutter.

Kakashi plants a slow and sexy kiss on my lips before getting off the bed with a wicked grin. "Sounds like a plan."

I grab a few toiletries and head to the bathroom for a shower.

Just as I'm about to climb into the tub, Kakashi opens the door and sticks his head in. "I'm heading off to work. I'll see you later, okay?"

I flash him a sly smirk. "You sure you don't want to join me in the shower?"

The corner of his lips twists up into a smile. "I'd love that but I can't. Gonna be late."

I pout. "Fine, go."

He closes the door but I can still hear his laugh.

I turn the shower on and step under the warm spray of water. With a smile, I soap up, thinking about last night. Suddenly, something sinister barges into my mind and I stumble forward, grasping the wall in front of me for support.


"Onee-chan!" I call out happily, running as fast as my small five-year-old legs can carry. "Onee-chan!"

A stunning girl turns to face me. Her hair is long, stretching past her butt, stunningly red, like mine and my mother's. Her violet eyes meet mine and they sparkle as she smiles softly. "Hey, Karin. Good morning."

"Ohayo!"I cry, throwing myself at her. She catches me and scoops me up. "Onee-chan, can we play a game today?"

She kisses my forehead tenderly. "I'd love to, Karin. But I'm going to start school today."

"But it's all the way in the Village Hidden in the Leaves," I pout. "Why do you have to go there?" 

"Cause." She gives me a sweet smile.

"But that means I won't ever seen you again!"

She laughs, and the sound hits my young heart like angels singing. "I'll be back soon."

"Promise?" I ask, my small heart soaring among the clouds again.

She kisses my forehead tenderly again and puts me on the floor. "Promise."

My mother, another beauty, peeks in from the kitchen to smile at the both of us. My mother also has long red hair like my sister and I love both of them with all my heart. "Kushina, here's your lunch bag. Don't forget it!" My mom hands the bag to my sister.

My older sister gives my mother a smile that lights up my entire world and leans down to give me a big, tight hug. That was the last time I saw my older sister, Kushina.


I blink out of my memory, gasping for air. That woman that I kept seeing in my thoughts is my sister? And that name sounds so familiar. Where did I hear it before?

Panic slams into me when I remember that Kakashi told me that Kushina Uzumaki was Naruto's mom. Does that mean that it's the same Kushina or is it simply a coincidence that my sister's name was Kushina and Naruto's mother had the same name?

But how can it be a coincidence? I never heard back from my sister once she went to Konoha so I assumed she died. Naruto's mother also died. It's too much to be a coincidence.

And if these Kushina's are one and the same, that means....

That I'm Naruto's aunt!


Kakashi POV

Shikamaru catches me outside as I'm walking through the town. "How's Naruto?" he asks.

I sigh. "Doing as well as you can imagine. His close friend was just sentenced to murder."

Shikamaru thinks quietly for a moment and then says, "Sasuke's actually brought this upon himself. He's been chasing after power for such a long time and he's finally got it. But such power always comes with a price. And right now that price is his head."

I nod. "We can only hope that he realizes his mistakes, comes to his senses and returns to the village. He's one of us."

Shikamaru laughs. "Don't let Lady Tsunade or the other Kages hear you say that. They'd kill you on the spot."

I laugh sheepishly. "You're right."

He sighs. "But, listen, I'm worried for Naruto. Please, try what you can to cheer him up."

"I will. But don't get your hopes up too high."


Okay, guys! Hope you all liked this chapter. Vote, comment, the whole deal. I'll see you all soon with the next chapter!

 I'll see you all soon with the next chapter!

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