Chapter 12

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Karin POV

As soon as Kakashi disappears, a mask-less Shiroyan appears in front of me, in middle of my changing process. He's wearing normal clothes, which I've never seen him in, so I'm a bit surprised. But I'm only in my underwear when he just pops into my room unannounced and I screech. I cover myself up with my hands even though all my lady parts are all covered already. "Get out of my room, you pervert!!"

Shiroyan has zero reaction to my panic and just looks at me with those bright blue eyes of his, which shockingly never dip lower than my chin. "I didn't realize you were changing," he says in a monotone voice.

"Well, you know it now, so get the hell out!" I pick up a pillow from my bed and swing it at his head. He dodges my attack without blinking, then reaches behind himself and twists the doorknob, closing the door behind himself.

I finish changing quickly, my movements jerky with surprise from Shiroyan's sudden visit. I leave my room to find Shiroyan leaning against the wall next to the door. I roll my eyes and go to put on my shoes. Without a word, Shiroyan follows me out of Kakashi's apartment and into the darkening town. During my peaceful walk (ignoring the fact that Shiroyan tailed me everywhere like my own damn shadow), I come across the pinkette that Kakashi was with once.

She smiles warmly at me when she sees me. "Hi there, Karin Sensei."

Automatically, I correct her. "Just Karin."

Her green eyes twinkle. "I haven't seen you in a while. How are you?"

I look into the girl's eyes and even though there is a deep sense of distrust lingering in my heart, I force myself to give her a smile. I only pray that it doesn't look like a sneer. "Hi."

She peers over my shoulder to look at the Anbu. "Oh, who's that?"

I open my mouth to say, "Anbu", when I remember that Shiroyan probably wouldn't appreciate me telling everyone that he's an Anbu member. Plus he doesn't have his mask on so it could be that he just wants to blend in as a regular person. Besides, I'm not so sure I can trust the girl. So instead, I answer straightfaced, "My stalker."

The pinkette sweatdrops. "Oh, I see."

A loud goodbye sounds from a store nearby and my gaze slips over to the door, where a familiar looking girl with long blond hair and green eyes bounces out. "Sakura, look what I bought!" the girl exclaims, holding up her purchases. "Isn't this just adorable?" The girl twirls around for the pinkette, waiting for a compliment on what I take as her new dress.

Instead of answering her friend, the pinkette gestures to the blonde. "Karin, this is Ino. Have you seen her before?"

I think back. "I think I have. In the Interrogation Room. I think."

Ino smiles widely at me. "Yup, I saw you there the other day with Kakashi-Sensei."

Sakura narrows her eyes at her friend. "What were you doing there, Ino? That's only for the people who work there."

Ino rolls her eyes. "Geez, Sakura, take a chill pill. I was only helping out my dad with something quick and then I headed home. You don't need to act all self-righteous, you know."

Sakura rolls her eyes. "Whatever, Ino-Pig."

An anime vein grows on the blonde girl's forehead. "Shut up, Billboard Brow!"

I clear my throat to hide my laugh and the two girls stop their arguing immediately. Sakura gives me a weak smile. "Sorry about that, Karin." She glances behind me again and I turn to look at where her eyes lead. Shiroyan looks so bored, it's almost comical. He's kicking the floor with his shoe, folding and unfolding his arms from across his chest. He's got a look on his face like he's internally yelling, Help! Get me out of this!

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