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1 year later...

Karin POV

In celebration, of Haruki's first birthday, Kakashi throws a huge party. Everyone is invited to our house and I'm busy setting up with Kakashi and Shiroyan. The blonde Anbu has been hanging around so much more after that first time I made him babysit Haruki and now, they're practically inseparable. Little Haruki has become so attached to his Anbu babysitter and Shiroyan has lost that hard, emotionless edge. He now knows how to smile without looking like someone was stabbing him to.

Being that Shiroyan was around almost all the time, Kakashi has gotten used to him. While he was a little cautious when he repeatedly came to babysit Haruki, he got over it pretty quickly.

As Shiroyan hangs up streamers around the windows and doors, Kakashi pushes over a chair so I can attach colorful balloons in every nook and cranny. Haruki's taking a nap right now so we're getting everything ready now. Because the second he'll wake up, no one will be able to do anything.

"Party's called for two, right?" Shiroyan calls.

Kakashi nods. "Yeah. They should start arriving soon. Our whole house is going to be full of gifts and people. Ready for that, Karin?"

I grin. "I can't wait to see little Haruki's face when he sees that cake we got him." Just thinking about it makes my heart all melty. My little boy was actually turning one years old. It seems like only yesterday since I gave birth to him and now we were celebrating his first birthday.

The doorbell rings just as I finish with the balloons. I share a glance with Kakashi and go to open the door. My nephew and his wife are standing by the door, smiling happily. "Hey, Aunt Karin! Haru's still sleeping?"

"Yup." I giggle. "Trying to set everything up before the little devil wakes up."

Naruto laughs. "Well, we got the little devil a gift that we think he's going to love. Where should I put it?"

I glance around. "Put it on that table over there." I point him over to Shiroyan, who takes the gift from my nephew's hands.

Over the next hour, people continue to arrive. And arrive. And arrive. Until the whole house seems to be so full that you can't walk one step without bumping into someone else. Not surprisingly, everyone showed up for Haru's birthday party.

And my little birthday boy lets everyone know just how excited he is for all the attention the second he wakes up. He squeals as he runs around the apartment in his tiny shoes, clapping excitedly with the world's largest smile plastered on his cherubic face.

Shiroyan's face transforms into a smile matching my son's as he scoops Haru into his arms and twirls him around in the air. I take a look around the room and smile. Even though we only invited those closest to us- Naruto and his wife, Lee and Tenten, Ino and Choji, Shikamaru and Temari (they started dating soon after Naruto married Hinata), Kiba and Shino, Sakura and Sai, Lady Tsunade and a few others- there were a lot more people in the house. And it wasn't bad. Every person present made the party more lively and more exciting for our dear Haru.

Haru lifts his father's Hokage hat over his head and giggles that infectious laugh when he sees everyone laughing along with him. His red eyes sparkle with that childish happiness and his white hair seems to stick up in every direction but he's the happiest child in the world right now.

Kakashi had finally accepted the seat of seventh Hokage after Lady Tsunade practically forced him. She threatened to resign and he would have to take her spot even if he didn't want to. So he finally agreed to do it. Just like I knew, everyone in the village were so happy to see such an important and popular Jounin take the seat of Hokage. To be completely honest, no one seemed to be surprised. Least of all Sasuke, who left a few months ago.

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