Chapter 3

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Kakashi POV

I land in the hall outside the Hokage's room. When I knock, she calls out a "Come in" and I let myself in. Tsunade is sitting by her wooden desk alone, accompanied by piles and piles of paperwork. She looks like she's actually working for a change, instead of drinking sake all day.

"You wanted to see me, Lady Hokage?"

She looks up at the sound of my voice, her expression all business. "Yes, I wanted to know if there were any updates regarding Karin." She folds her hands together and leans her chin on them.

I sigh and take a few steps forward. "No. Nothing. Doesn't mean she's not hiding anything she might've remembered."

Tsunade gets up and turns to stand by the window looking out at the village. "Does she seem like she's hiding anything?"

I stuff my hands into my pockets. "I don't know. She's hidden something before."

She turns back around and puts her hand on her hip. "She was bloody and broken when you found her. Whoever hurt her made in crystal clear that they don't want her. I doubt she'll run again."

"She arrived in a slightly better state the last time but she still ran. I don't trust her as far as I can throw her," I say, folding my arms across my chest." Then I hesitate. "Do... you think Sasuke might've hurt her?"

Tsunade looks away, deep in thought and doesn't answer me.

"I mean, he's hurt her before," I say. "He obviously doesn't care for her as much as she cares for him."

She blinks and focuses her brown eyes on me. "Right now, nothing is certain. We need to heighten her security here. You are to stay with her at all times. I have a feeling that whoever is after her won't pause outside our village doors. Especially if it's Sasuke or Orochimaru."

I open my mouth to speak but she cuts me off. "We aren't listening to any rumors that he's been killed. We need to keep our guards up. Especially now that we've received a new member."

My eyes drop to their regular bored, half-open position. "I don't know why you would go so far as to ask her to make friends here though. She won't stay. Besides, how do you know this isn't just a ploy to get her into the village and destroy it from the inside? The whole hurt look could have been orchestrated by Sasuke or Orochimaru."

She shoots a bland look at me. "You don't know that. We're assuming she's actually lost her memories and that she has no plans of going back. I know that Orochimaru tends to take in those who have no family or any place to go. By giving her a place to live and to come back to, that may keep her here."

"What do we exactly need her here for, though?" I ask. "She's not a member of the Leaf Village. She's an outsider. And I'll have to remind you that outsiders have only brought us trouble in the past."

She nods and looks out the window again. "I know. And if you recall, I am the Hokage, so of course I remember. However, I believe that it will bring Karin some good to have a place to call home at least for the moment."

I want to shake her until her brain falls into alignment but I wouldn't dare. "Lady Hokage..." My voice drops to a warning instead. 

She glares at me. "What?"

I just blink slowly at her.

"Don't you dare say it," she threatens.

But I say it anyway. "I think you're too trusting."

"Stop saying that!" she suddenly shouts. "I'm not being too trusting! I'm giving her a chance to become a better person. Lord Third would have done the same thing."

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