Chapter 31

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Kakashi POV

My heart heavy, I return to the hospital the following day. As soon as I walk in through the front door, I can tell something is wrong. Something's different. I can't even seem to catch any of the nurses. When I see one dart past me, I reach out and grab her arm. She looks so frazzled that she's surprised to see me. "What's going on?" I ask, my voice showing how confused I am.

"A patient has just woken up from her coma. She's very confused right now."

My heart about stops beating. "Who?" I whisper.


My jaw drops and before I even realize I've moved, I'm by her room. Things are so different. All those months that I've been visiting her, the door of room 153 had always been closed. Not only that but her room always had a stifling silence that surrounded the room. Maybe that had only been me?

Now, the door is open wide and there are so many nurses inside. The sound of a hysterical woman inside makes my heart practically rip open. Karin's panicked shouts are kicking at me to get moving.

Like a knight in shining armor, I enter the room and all is still for a moment. Karin's eyes go wide as saucers when she sees me and she inhales so sharply that I can hear it from where I'm standing by the door.

"Kakashi," she breathes. Then, without any warning, she comes flying at me, her long red hair flowing behind her. She slams into my body so strongly that I stumble back a few steps.

"Karin," I murmur, pulling her close. I kiss her forehead and embrace her so tightly I'm sure she can't breathe. That hospital scent surrounds her but it's also very much hers. "I'm glad you're okay."

She squeezes me just as tightly. "Kakashi... You're alright!"

I smile against her forehead, the background of the dreary hospital walls suddenly disappearing. It's almost as if all those nurses has just ceased to exist for us. My whole attention was fixed on Karin and her alone. "Yes, my love. I'm fine. How are you feeling?"

She finally pulls back and frowns at her belly. "I wasn't asleep that long. Why is my tummy so huge?"

I can't help but smile. "Karin, you're pregnant. Do you know that?"

She puts her hand on her belly and rubs it slowly. "I... I know that. That's why I didn't die when Headquarters blew up. Mabui convinced me to get checked out by the doctor. But she ran ahead..." Her brow furrows. "Oh my g-d... Mabui!" Her red eyes start to swell up with tears. "Oh my gosh. She's gone. She's gone, isn't she. She died. Because of me."

I grip her shoulders and make her look at me. "That wasn't your fault at all. In fact, you saved her from dying a possibly more horrific death like the others who were in the building. By staying outside, yes, she died but her death was not that bad like Shikaku, Inoichi and all those who were inside."

Karin doesn't look convinced. "How long was I asleep?"

"You were in a coma for about five months," I say gently.

"Five... five months??" She swallows hard. "That can't be. I've only been asleep for a day."

"It's been five months," I whisper.

"That can't be," she repeats more firmly. "Are you sure?"

I nod. "Karin, I'm pretty sure you weren't this pregnant when I left."

She glances down at her tummy and places a hand over it. "But... you're back."

"Yes." I walk her backward until the backs of her knees hits the bed. I sit her down and I sit down next to her. "The war's already ended. It's ended a while ago."

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