Chapter 13

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Kakashi POV

When we get home, a steady flow of rage is streaming through my blood. My anger is barely in check but I warn myself that I can't say anything to Karin or else I'll explode.

What. The. Actual. F*ck????? She was there with Shiroyan?? I didn't know they had gotten so close. I actually thought that we had a moment earlier! I didn't think she'd go out right after that with him

As soon as I get home, I storm into my room and slam the door shut. I could hear Karin do the same next door.

Bristling with resentment, I try to calm myself with positive thoughts. I just went to visit my friends. It was a nice weather. I was ambushed by my students but they made me happy. But all that disappeared the moment my eyes fell on that... Anbu and Karin sitting next to each other. So close together. I know I have absolutely no right to get upset, especially since all I've done is lie to her since she got here the second time around. Besides the fact that she probably doesn't return my completely one-sided feelings. How could I possibly expect her to feel the same way about me?

I grab a change of clothes and go to shower, to calm down under the rush of water. After a long and hot shower, I emerge from the bathroom, clean and much calmer. Karin isn't around and for that, I'm grateful. I head into my room and climb into my bed. Opening my book, I read until my vision is blurry. Only then do I mark my place, close the book with a snap and rest my head on the pillow. And despite the conflicting feelings jumping around in my head, I fall asleep quickly.


A very real and corporeal Obito stands in front of me, clutching the straps of the brown backpack on my back. I stare hard at him, hoping to drive my words home, into his thick skull. "To carry out a mission, a ninja should only have tools necessary to the task at hand. Useless things, like emotions, will only get in the way."

He stares at me in shock, his dark eyes wide. Eyes narrowing, he asks, "Do you really mean that?"

When I don't answer, he gets angrier. "Do you honestly believe that stuff, Kakashi?"

I look away when I realize that I don't. Not really. But I answer, "Yes, I do."

Obito's eyes narrow further at me, but I could see just how sad my words make him. "Just forget it. We'll never agree; we're like oil and water." He released the straps and starts to walk away. "I'm going to rescue Rin."

"I don't understand, Obito," I say to his retreating back. "You do know what happens to people who break the rules."

He stops walking for a moment and says, "I believe that the White Fang was a true hero."

My eyes shoot open when I hear his words. Why is he bringing my dead father into this?

"You're right. In the ninja world, those who break the rules and laws, are regarded as scum." He turns to bore his eyes into mine. "But those who'd abandon either one of their friends, are worse than scum."

Pain fills me thoroughly and I feel like a complete and total asshole.

"I'm scum anyway, so I gonna choose to break the rules. If doing that somehow makes me any less than a true shinobi, then I'll just go and crush all the so-called 'true shinobi'." He turns away and begins walking again.

And I do too, both of us separating, leaving me with a regret that would last me a lifetime. Because the event that followed had completely been my fault.


I open my eyes, panic and sorrow choking me. Sweat coats every inch of my skin and I struggle to breathe past the pain and burning feeling of something. Something, however, is right on top of me, eyes glittering down at me. With a jolt of shock and surprise, my fist goes flying at the person above me.

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