Chapter 14

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Karin POV

When I see Kakashi walking back into his house like nothing even happened, makes me nauseous. Even though I know that it would take more than just someone choking an Anbu to get rid of one, I still can't believe how Kakashi acted.

I know that he hasn't really been home recently because of what happened and I'm glad that I didn't have to see him. But him coming back today has incited some feelings that I'm not sure how to explain. Relief to see he's alright? Not guilty because I haven't really kicked Kakashi out of his apartment?

Regardless, I've started to pack for the mission that's supposed to take place sometime this week. Being that this is the first mission since I lost my memory, I don't really know how to pack. I've been waiting for Kakashi to give me some tips on how to pack and how to fight, but he hasn't been around for the past day. And besides, I'm too pissed at him now to ask.

After stewing in my feelings for a long while, I finally growl at myself to grow a pair and go ask Kakashi for the pointers I need. I stand outside his door, fighting with myself internally, on whether or not I should knock. Finally, I suck in a deep breath and just knock.

The door swings open a second later. Kakashi's half-opened eye meets mine, the other one being covered by his headband. "What?" His tone is not mean, maybe a little...cautious. 

I take a deep breath in again. "Um..."

Despite his annoyed appearance, he doesn't snap at me to talk faster so he could go back to whatever he was doing. (I imagine he was rereading his stupid Make-out Paradise books.) He does lift an eyebrow though when I don't continue for a while.

I flush and look down. Then I shove everything out of my mouth at the same time. "CanyougivemeafewpointersonhowtopackandhowtofightninjastylecauseIdon'twanttobeaburdentoanyoneonthemission?"

Amusement twinkles in the gray-haired ninja's eyes. "Um, sure, I guess."

I gape at him. "You followed--"

He snorts. "Yeah, surprisingly." But soon, all amusement fades from his expression and if I didn't know better, I'd say he looks...guilty? "Karin, I'm really sorry for what happened yesterday. I didn't mean to go that far. He just... I don't know, his presence was just pissing me off. I couldn't stand how much time he was spending with you and I couldn't hold back anymore."

My mouth is hanging open in surprise. "Hold on one second. Are you... jealous, Kakashi?" I ask, on the verge of laughing now.

Pink stains his cheeks and his ears and I think that his reaction is absolutely adorable.

"I'm not jealous," he says, trying to defend himself. But he doesn't sound very convincing, not even to himself, apparently, because the pink-tint on his cheeks and ears darkens to red. He scratches the back of his head and gives me a sheepish smile. "The point is, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you like that."

I step forward, ignoring the surprise written on his face, and take his hand, which is free from any of the hand-guards he usually wears. "Kakashi, don't even mention it. Shiroyan was pissing me off so badly too. Except you acted on it, already driven to the finish line and I was still getting there."

He gives me a blank look. "Are you saying that I have a shorter fuse than you?"

"Wh-N-I-" I stammer and he laughs at me. "I'm teasing, Karin."

My whole body shivers when he says my name like that and I try to swallow. Kakashi's eyes dip to my throat, where I'm trying to swallow, then flicks up, just barely, to rest on my lips.

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