Chapter 6

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I do not know how, but at some point I managed to fall asleep. Just not on the bed, but on the couch. Stretching my stiff limbs, I slept in a weird position apparently though I do not see how lying as straight as a plank is odd, I walk to the kitchen to prepare my kickstarter. The sound of the coffee-maker is so much more pleasant than the urban noise outside. Leaning against the windowsill I look at the city below, where life never stops. Taehyung better keep his promise and bring some good breakfast with him, because I am starving.

Receiving guests wearing pyjamas has never been an option for me and ever since I was young I made sure to be dressed whenever people came over, it never mattered whether they saw me or not. Guess that habit has never died. Only now jeans and a white t-shirt with a pair of sneakers are enough instead of a chique dress and fancy accessories. Quickly I brush my teeth, I do not want to have bad morning breath when he comes, and bind my black and blue hair in a high ponytail. A little bit of chapstick, eyeliner and mascara complete the preparation. At first sight I look like your typical girl next door, aside from my hair colour. Just what I want. Nobody is to know I am actually from a powerful and rich family. That life is behind me, I want to move on.

I have not even set a foot out of the bathroom or the buzzer from the intercom sounds. I push the button and ask: 'Who's there?'

'Ali, it's me,' a familiar deep voice answers.

'Hey. Hold on a sec.' I press the button that opens the door and soon a knock on the door follows.

'Morning,' I greet him cheerfully, content Tae is back. His clothes look the same as yesterday, he has only changed shirts and jeans. Instead of a white shirt it is black and the dark jeans have been replaced by their denim equals. What is the most important though is that he has food. My eyes go to the brown paper bags he holds in his hands, realizing how hungry I actually am.

'Are you truly happy to see me or do you just want breakfast?' he asks teasingly. However, a certain doubt can be heard hidden in his voice as well.

'Both, but mostly I am glad to see you again.'

'I was here yesterday and I messed up.' He averts his gaze, looking to the concrete floor.

'Tae, we talked about this on the phone. Come inside.' I gesture for him to enter. He obliges and walks straight to the kitchen table, where he empties the contents of the bags on the dining table. The sweet scent of blueberry muffins mixed with the scent of caramel and coffee begins to fill the air.

'I thought you might need some sugar to start your day, so I brought muffins. I hope that's okay?' Who would refuse a blueberry muffin? Especially one that is still warm, I think.

'Why the question? Dude, I need energy. I only slept for like five hours or so.' Somehow my brain thought it would be funny to make me feel like I was stranded in a desert until three in the morning, only to wake me up later at half past eight. Great first night.

'You never know. You could be on a diet.'

I smile mockingly. 'Normally I refrain from eating muffins and such, but a treat every now and then is needed. Plus, we got a lot to do, so a sugar rush won't be too bad to have.'

'Thank God, because I thought you might flay me if I showed up with these.' He sighs, relief washing over him. 'Shall we eat?'

I nod and sit down on the chair facing him, just like we sat yesterday. In between taking little sips of the caramel, I ask: 'How was your night? Sleep well?'


'You didn't beat yourself up, did you? You promised me you wouldn't.' The concern that he lied to me then begins to grow. His childhood friend is back and willing to start over again, he should be at least be a bit festive about that. Why do I get the feeling he is still unhappy, despite my return?

'No, I didn't. Just took me a while to fall asleep.' He is lying. I cannot define it, but something feels off about the way he said it. No use in accusing, because it can turn out like yesterday if I challenge him again.

We both do not say another word whilst eating breakfast. Only after we cleaned up, he breaks the silence. 'Okay, let's get started.' He sounds like his old energetic self, which brightens me up immediately.

'Yes, let's!'


Having Taehyung around saves me so much time and possible accidents. I do wonder though if he is not feeling hot in that hoodie of his? He has been carrying heavy boxes to and fro and unpacking. 'Aren't you warm in that hoodie?'

He turns around, done with installing my television on the wall. 'No, I'm fine. It's airy, so it's okay.'

'Whatever you say. Feel free to take it off though if you're warm, is all I'm saying,' I say casually.

'Are you telling me to strip?' His eyes have a mischievous shine to them.

'What? No! What on earth gave you that idea?'

'I am just joking, Ali. When did you get so serious?' He chuckles at my reaction.

'Got a boring upbringing, not a lot of space for humour. Aside from father's terrible jokes. They were so bad they weren't even funny. Maybe that's why I lack a sense for it.'

'Hmm, then I should better do something about it.'

'Give it your best shot, I'd say.'

'Oh, I will.' Something in the way he says it makes me wonder what he has in mind and what the frick I started.


As we go to work in the bedroom, Tae comes across the photo album I had flipped through earlier. To make sure it is safe from the eyes of future visitors that would surely inspect my bookshelves, I had put it with the stuff for my bedroom. 'You still got those old pictures?' he asks, very surprised I have kept such memorabilia.

I put the last screw of the small bookshelf in the corner of the room in place and move to sit next to him on the edge of the bed. His fingers gently touch the images of times long since past, as if they can break under to much of pressure. His eyes keep staring at one particular photograph, the one of us and Tae's father. Tae had his arm around my shoulder and his father's head sat in between ours. We all smiled. 'He used to think we would get married, you know?'

My eyes widen and I look at him. 'He did?' Taehyung just nods, his eyes glued to the photo. 'How is he doing? Your father, I mean. You said you had fallen on rough times.'

'He's doing just fine.' A small hint of hatred can be heard in his voice.

'You make it sound differently, though.' Why would he talk like that about his father? Has he wronged him?

'Long story, don't want to talk about it,' he concludes the subject. Another part of the story that has yet to be told.

'What do you remember of our youth?' I ask to start on a new topic.

'I remember walks along the river and the days in the park. I remember you smiling and taking care of every little creature you came across. Every time you got hurt I was also there to comfort you. Only a hug from me could make you stop crying and prevent you from feeling any kind of sadness, so I hugged you often.'

'You didn't give me hug when I came back. I sort of expected that to be honest, so you could say I was kind of sad then. Yet I respect you don't want to touch me.' I was indeed disappointed when he did not embrace me upon my return, because those were the happiest moment in my childhood, Tae's hugs.

'I'm sorry. It's just better if you don't let me touch you.'

'We can start small,' I propose, although it sounds more like a question than an actual proposal.

'No.' He sounds determined, not willing to let me in.

'Okay.' Giving in does not mean giving up. One of these days I will touch him or perhaps he will, albeit by accident more likely. I do not see what can be so bad about it, even the slightest brush of fingers surely means no evil. Or can it?  

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