Chapter 35

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The day begins incredibly well, the sound of the waves crashing unto the shore resonating vaguely in the distance, the footsteps of the locals treading the concrete of the streets on their way to work or the beach more prominent outside the window. Moreover, Ali's slender arms are wrapped around me as I wake up and for once she does not race out of the sheets to reach the bathroom in time, which has woken me up countless times without so much as having a clue as to what was going on. But now I know, and that information makes it less worrisome for the both of us. Ever since she told me we are going to be parents, I rush after her to hold her ebony hair back and gently rub her back whenever it happens.

'Hey,' a drowsy whisper before a soft kiss on my forehead, making me uncertain for a split second whether it is real or a remnant of the dream.

I pull her tighter against me, the concrete answer to the earlier doubt, too unwilling to leave the bed just yet. 'Hey.'

She chuckles, something I have not heard her do in ages. It sounds a bit like a robin chirping on a branch among the autumn leaves in the park and brightens my mood even more. 'If you want breakfast, you'll need to let me go.'

'Drag me to the kitchen, because I'm not going to let you go, Mrs. Kim.'

Alistaire has been going by my last name since she said yes, thus saying farewell in a way to the life she previously had, our scarred history, although her bank account and the bills are still addressed to her maiden name. 'Well, husband,' she teases, gently trying to pry herself loose, 'you don't want me to get hangry, right?'

The mood swings are most notable when she is feeling peckish, the anger increased by three additional levels, which makes for a scary sight to behold. Especially in the morning, when the grogginess of slumber intensifies every emotion.

I open my eyes widely in fake fear. 'Can't have that, you'll go on a rampage.'

'I wouldn't necessarily say that.'

Shared laughter, the scent of tea and mint mingles with coffee and ylang-ylang, a few more cosy minutes under the blankets.

'Okay, Tae, I'm really starting to get hungry now.'

I let her go in spite of the tranquility her embrace provides and push myself up on my elbows to place a kiss on Ali's pale pink lips. 'Or we can go out and get blueberry muffins.'

The answer is clear when the gesture is returned and slim fingers glide lovingly over my cheek. 'Splendid idea.'


It is Wednesday, though all the coffee shops are as full as on any other day. However, after wandering for a while through various commercial streets past independent stores stuffed amongst big chains, we find one tucked away in an alley you could easily pass by.

The walls are a broken-white with black shelves upon which various kitchen utensils, spices, and other condiments are displayed throughout the space, thus giving the impression of being a guest in someone's kitchen. We settle down on the braided weed chairs at the counter which have a matching in colour leather seating surface.

To do things differently, I join Ali in her choice of mint tea instead of an Americano, earning a surprised look. 'Since when do you drink tea?'

'Since now, apparently. Once in a while, you need to step out of the routine.'

'As if we ever had one,' she remarks sarcastically.

It is true, the days have become steadier since we started therapy, but to say they contain a routine is a bit much. We are still us, flawed, even in recovery. Yet, the way we live now is healthier and hopefully will flourish more as we become older, creating a future in which we can look back with a smile and regret nothing.

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