Chapter 27

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Author's note: A little birthday gift from yours truly to you.
Goodness gracious, nineteen years old already.
Why does time fly by so quickly?

Happiness has never felt so real as it does when I awaken in the protective arms of the tanned guy on the pillow next to me. His head nuzzled against mine, I trace his jaw with my finger and think about what happened last night, his touch, the sin, with a smile.

Which quickly fades.

Despite the pleasure and unclear minds, we had done it without precaution and I have not had my period for a while, which is not very strange, seeing as I have an irregular cycle. Though it may mean nothing, a deeply rooted concern plants itself in my gut and shakes me wide awake.

Clumsily and as inconspicuous as is possible, I climb over Taehyung's sleeping form and slip to the bathroom. Whilst the shower heats up, I take place on the toilet seat. Scarlet on the toilet paper.

Thank God. Well, also not, but still.

Cleaned up, having put on Tae's blue plaid shirt once again, and relieved by the start of a torturing week I head for the kitchen to begin the preparations for breakfast. There is not much in the fridge except eggs, milk, kimchi and some leftover rice. Overall a pretty terrible card to be dealt when you want to make something wholesome.

Let's see, what can we make?

Scrambled eggs with kimchi and rice are the grand start of the day.

Just as I add the rice to the pan to warm up, I notice two strong arms entwining around the waist and a familiar heat source against my back. 'Morning,' a deep voice, laced with the last remnants of sleep, mumbles satisfied.

'Morning, party boy. How's the hangover going thus far?'

'Could be worse. Maybe the night prevented the worst from happening.' He shifts the subject to the current improvisation meal. 'What are you making?' I tell him the plan and make him chuckle. 'At least it's something.'

'Can you make coffee?' Goodness knows he will need it before a headache will make it feel as if his head is being crushed from the inside.

'Sure.' He gives a small peck on the back of my head and busies himself with making two cups of java whilst I transfer our makeshift meal into two bowls.

A tiny flashing light. The buzz of a newly received message. I had left my phone besides the fridge on the counter as I awaited Tae's return, whom I had known would find refuge in the apartment in spite of the way I left. It is our home, our harbour, that withstands even the worst of storms and to which we shall always return. No matter the hardships, no matter the blockades, we shall be there.

The screen shows six missed calls and eight messages, all along the lines of where I went and if I am alright.

I sigh and put the phone down. For now, I want, need, a moment with Tae. Just simply us, food, and no interference from outside.

'Jimin?' Gently the tanned man with me turns me around and regards me with an inquiring look in his ganache-coloured eyes.

I nod and tell him the score of efforts to reach out. 'He can wait. I'll come up with something to cover this up.'

'Do you really have to go again? I just got you back.'

'If he doesn't trust me, I cannot move freely. It was already a wonder he let me visit the beach yesterday, though his sister was the one who at last motioned for me to rapidly go when Jimin wasn't paying attention.' Seohyeon rather sees none of us endures than suffer together, though her brother even might without my presence. 'She knows what we're doing, but all she wants is to keep the peace. However, there is a chance she won't take kindly upon me having ''leant'' her car.'

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