Chapter 7

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We were able to get a good bit done with the little energy we had. In the afternoon we decide to call it a day and do the rest tomorrow. 'I quit,' I declare as I fall back on the couch and stretch like a cat. 'We did a good job, though.'

Taehyung sits down on the ground besides my head. A sudden urge to caress his brown hair makes my hands feel itchy, but I try to prevent myself from giving in. 'Want to stay for dinner?'

He shakes his head. 'No, thanks. I have some things to do.'

I sigh inaudibly, wishing he would stay just a bit longer. I miss his company. Before it had never been a problem for me to be on my own, yet now that he is back in my life, it is harder than ever. 'Will you be back to help? There are still some chores to be done.'

He turns to face me, eyes looking assuring. 'Of course.' Those words hold more meaning to me than he will ever know.

I fish my phone out of my pocket and turn on the camera. 'Let's take a picture to commemorate this day as the day that two zombies have managed to successfully move someone in.' I turn on my side and hold out the smartphone. My arm is not long enough to get us both in the frame.

'Here, let me do it.' Tae's big hand reaches for the phone and slightly brushes my fingers as he takes it over. He takes in a sharp breath the moment we touch. However, he does not seem to react as before. Instead he looks like he is contemplating something for a brief moment. Perhaps this can be a step forward.

We both smile a tired smile and afterwards we pull a funny face. 'Can you send them to me?' he asks when he hands it back to me.

'Right this second,' I say and send the images directly to his number. A buzzing sound goes off on the coffee table where he put his phone. He downloads them and begins to grin when he looks at our exhausted faces.

Then his eyes wander to the digital clock in the corner of the screen. It is already half past five. 'I need to go.' I say nothing, just solemnly nodding. Do not go. Please stay. I want to say those words to him, but I cannot. I cannot be selfish, not anymore.

'Before you go,' I begin and he looks back at me, his tall figure looming over me, 'I want to ask you something?'

'You're full of questions, aren't you? Go ahead.'

'Our fingers touched when you reached for my phone. You didn't have the same reaction as you did yesterday.'

'And the question is?' he asks, a bit annoyed because I am bringing it up again. I am feeling sorry for doing so, but this can help our friendship.

'Do you see it is not so bad to touch each other? We can just touch with our fingers.'

'Just give it a rest already. Really, Ali, this is getting on my nerves.' If he was a dragon he would probably be spitting fire at me right now.

I get off the couch, dart past him and block his way out. 'I know, but whatever you think might happen, it is not bad. Look.' With effort I manage to grab his hand. Every time I almost got a hold of it he moved it out of the way, yet I appear victorious. A look of terror fills his eyes. 'See? Nothing is happening, Tae.'

'Let me go,' he says sternly, but his voice becomes anxious as he adds, 'Please let me go.'

The way he says it breaks my heart. 'I am not your enemy. Why do you act like this?'

'Because I am your enemy, you just don't realize it.'

'What happened to you?' The questions leaves my mind via my lips. I had wanted to ask it at a later date if not at all to ponder it myself. Too late now.

'A lot.' He pulls his hand out of my softened grip. 'I'll see you tomorrow.'

He storms past me and slams the door shut. A mix of sadness and concern washes over me. My eyes tear up at the thought that while I am his friend, I can do nothing for him, because he trusts me too little to let me in. It hurts to know this, it really does.

I plop down on the sofa again and look at our selfies, feeling as alone as I have done in the past. Funny how history can repeat itself.


A loud but calm melody, which reminds one of Japan, sounds in the living room. I open my eyes and turn on my side to the coffee table, where my phone is busily buzzing and slightly moving around because of it. I must have cried myself asleep, tormented by the darkness of my lone self. Outside it is still dark and the city noises have died down, yet they can still be heard. I wager it is around one o'clock in the morning. Who can possibly call me at this hour?

I pick up the device and check the screen, that shows a number I have never seen before. My stomach churns at the thoughts that rise in my mind. Of course I immediately assume the worst and do not even think about the possibility of someone calling to just chat. No, if it was indeed someone who just wanted to have a talk and that knew me, then their name would have been displayed. Oh God, what if something has happened to Taehyung?

Afraid of that, I pick up whilst trying to sound calm. 'Alistaire Lawson. Who is this?'

The voice of an older man answers on the other side of the line. 'Miss Lawson, you are speaking with chief constable Han. We have a young man here, Kim Taehyung, who claims to be related to you.'

Oh, no. What is Tae doing at the police station? The unrest within me grows. 'Is he all right, sir?'

'He is fine, miss. We caught him spraying graffiti and he appears to be drunk as well. Can you come pick him up?'

What? I he still talking about Taehyung, because it does not sound like him in the slightest. Drinking and vandalism just do not fit him. He is not a criminal, but my childhood friend who is innocent and would not even think about doing those things.

'Miss? Are you still there?' The constable sounds worried, almost pitying.

'Yes, I am. Sorry, my mind just wandered for a second. I will come at once.'

I say my goodbyes and put the phone down. Is this truly happening? I cannot think of a single scenario in which this reality would be the truth. What made him do this?

Suddenly it strikes me as to why he possibly did this. He had spoken so vengeful about his father, so he must be the cause. But in what way? He needs to tell me soon, because I do not think the police will be so lenient in the future and I fear for what might happen if they run out of patience. We need to talk, whether he wants to or not. I will persuade him and if that does not work, there is always force.   

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