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"Please don't!" I pathetically sob.

As much as I hate my life here. I don't want to die, or go mad. I have my whole life ahead of me, whether I live here or not.

The psycho ignores my pleads and plunges the needle into my veins. I scream as horrific pain is felt all over my body. I feel my blood start to freeze. I can't move, or feel my pulse. I'm gasping for air.

"Goodbye world." I whisper, as blackness overcomes me, and I fall into the dark abyss known as death.

third person

The evil scientist smirked at Aria's dead body and began to shove it into a bag. He would toss her body along with a few others into Lake Erie.

"Hey, Dave. Help me toss the bodies in Lake Erie." The psycho called out to his partner.

The bodies were heavy after all.

"With pleasure." Dave said, smirking.

Dave and his partner grabbed the five dead bodies from that morning and carried them out to their beaten up old pick up truck. They tossed the bodies into the trunk and began to drive to Lake Erie. When the evil partners arrived, they managed to get on top of the bridge that hovered over the Great Lake.

Dave's partner threw a bag into the lake, but Dave was not as heartless. Dave unzipped the body bag that an 18 year old named Jenny had been laying in and kissed her forehead.

Dave muttered an apology and threw her body into Lake Erie. Dave's partner unzipped Aria's body bag.

"Aria was kind of our daughter, so let's try to be at least a little nicer than usual." Dave said, looking up at his partner.

Dave's evil partner had a black heart and truly did not care, but he went along with Dave.

"Okay, Aria, we truly did love you before. But things have changed, and we were forced to do this. Well, not my partner, but I was. I hope you go to Heaven, Aria. Rest in peace." Dave said.


"Okay, so we are going to toss her into the river now." Dave's partner says.

What the hell? I'm alive, and I've got a thirst for blood. I can't stop thinking of murdering these men. I can't wait. My eyes open.

"Aria? What the hell is wrong with your eyes?" Dave asks.

I somehow know that my eyes are the color of pure charcoal. All evil. No innocence or your average human irises. I hiss and fangs protrude from my mouth. I suddenly feel like something is piercing my back. Then, big black wings extend from my back. I flap them once and smirk. I sweep Dave off the bridge and into the lake with one swipe of a wing.

Then, I rip Dave's partner's throat out.

"Rot in Hell." I say, baring my teeth in an attempt of cracking a smile before kicking him into Lake Erie, as well.

I somehow instantly know that I'm a mutation of an experiment. I'm no longer a human being, but a monster. And I'm ready to kill. I dive into the Great Lake, as my legs morph into a beautiful mermaid's tail with shimmering black diamonds.


September first, 2014

I adjust my backpack and dodge a bush.

"Almost to the lake, Harry." My girlfriend, Scarlet, says.

"I'm so exhausted!" My best friend, Kylie, whines.

"We are finally here." Scarlet says, pushing a final branch aside.

Scarlet, Kylie, my mates, Zayn, Ashton, Calum, and Niall, and I smile at the beautiful view. The long hike to this amazing spot was totally worth it.

"Well, come on! Let's set up camp and stuff." Scarlet says.

We all nod enthusiastically and begin to pitch our tents. Once our tents are put up, we decide to have a picnic and toast s'mores, since it's getting late. Kylie and I spread out a few picnic blankets while Zayn and Ashton build a fire. We have hotdogs and chips for dinner.

After dinner, Calum brings out a couple bottles of wine, and we split them into different paper cups. After getting some liquor in our bodies, we begin to toast the s'mores while Niall starts to play campfire songs on his guitar. My friends and I giggle, sing along with Niall, and munch on our tasty s'mores.

"I'm going to hit the sack now." Kylie says, yawning and entering a tent.

"I'm getting tired too." Zayn says.

Ashton, Calum, and Niall follow them.

"We can finally be alone." Scarlet says.

I pull Scarlet on to my lap and press my lips to hers.

"Hey, I have an idea. Let's go late night swimming." Scarlet says.

A/N: Hope y'all liked this chapter!

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