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"It's really not that bad." Harry says.

I look into Edward's eyes, but suddenly, Harry isn't the one I see, it's Edward.

"Edward, you're alive!" I cry, hugging Edward.

"Aria, what are you doing? I'm not Edward, I'm Harry." Edward says.

"Did you develop a personality disorder? I don't know a Harry." I say.

"Aria, snap out of it." Edward says, shaking my shoulders.

"Don't touch me. I hate you." I say, wrapping my hands around Edward's neck.

"Aria, let go. You're hurting me." Edward says.

I ignore Edward's pleas for me to stop until he passes out. Good. I hate him. Wait, what am I thinking? Edward is dead, and I don't hate him. Also, Harry is here? What have I done? I somehow thought Harry was Edward, and I strangled him. Oh my gosh, I could have killed Harry.

"Ella!" I scream.

"What?" Ella asks, appearing at my side.

"Ella, I accidentally strangled Harry. We have to take him to the hospital." I say.

Ella nods and disappears with a pop. She soon comes back with a gurney, and I put Harry on it. Ella straps Harry on it and we wheel him to the main doors of the castle. I put an air bubble around Ella, Harry, and I, and we swim out of the castle. We swim to Lake Erie and get out using a muddy riverbank.

Harry, Ella, and I go up to the bridge and I dial 911.


Do you think that she is jealous?

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lo xx

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