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"Sounds fun." I say, grinning.

Scarlet and I enter a tent and change into our swimsuits.

We hold hands as we leave the tent and get into the cool lake water. Scarlet and I are kissing. Finally, we have time alone. All I can think about is kissing Scarlet. I'm so grateful for my beautiful amazing girlfriend. This day couldn't possibly get any better. Suddenly, Scarlet and I hear a loud growl.

"There aren't any wild animals out here that growl. We probably just imagined it." Scarlet says, eager to get back to our make out session.

third person

Harry and Scarlet did not know that a monster was swimming in the cool water as well. Aria, a magnificent creature, was still a vicious beast, and was still very bloodthirsty. She scowled at the young couple. The girl didn't need that awful boy. Aria knew that the boy should be a slave at her feet.

She finally decided to kill the boy and give the girl the gift of immortality and pure happiness. All men were worthless and disgusting. Or that's at least what Aria thought.

Aria used her powerful tail and swam to the couple. Her sharp claws protruded from her soft hands and she scratched the boy's leg. The boy whimpered.

"Scarlet, did you do that?" The boy asked.

Aria smiled. Scarlet was a beautiful name.

"Do what?" Scarlet asked.

The majestic creature changed her mermaid's tail into regular human's legs. Scarlet was the first to notice Aria.

"What is that? Harry, run!" Scarlet cried.


I'm used to this reaction by now. I've murdered hundreds of people after 50 years of being this beast.

"I won't hurt you." I say.

I'm being honest. I would never hurt a woman. Then, I notice Harry running into the woods. I glare at a tree and it turns into dust. Sometimes, that happens when I glare because of how powerful I am. I take deep breaths to calm myself down. I can chase Harry with my super speed and wings. He doesn't stand a chance against me.

"This is for your own good." I mumble as I take a black cloth from the pocket of my black leather jacket and put it over Scarlet's nose and mouth.

"No! Don't do this to me. I've been good. I'm a good person." Scarlet yells.

Scarlet then passes out in my arms when she tries to breathe. The cloth was laced with chloroform, after all. I gently put her down in the mud and press my thumbs to my temple, trying to concentrate on communication with the goddesses that serve by my side telepathically.

I'm just one of the many evil sea goddesses of the Atlantic Ocean. I have underwater palaces and stuff, but that's not important now. Once I've managed to communicate with Lady Ella, I whistle to show her that I need her to come to me, now. Ella is soon splashing through Lake Erie and I greet her with a hug.

Lady Ella looks like me, but she was not created in a lab like I was.

"Hi, Ella. Can you take Scarlet to the nearest underwater palace? Give her a room and whatever necessities she needs until I get there." I say, picking Scarlet up.

"Yes, Lady Aria." Lady Ella says, taking Scarlet from me.

I wave to Ella and she disappears into the lake with Scarlet on her back. Lady Ella and I will take good care of Scarlet. I then decide to look in the tents. I can't let anyone who is at the scene of one of my kidnappings or murders live. In the first tent, I find three sleeping men.

"Time to die." I say, showing my fangs.

I snap all three of their necks and move on to the next tent. I find a boy and a girl who are sleeping, as well. I decide to make this boy's death a bit more torturous, since I'm in need of a drink. Only blood of men and quench my thirst. But first, I knock the girl out, so she won't hear the death of this man.

"Wake up!" I screech, punching the boy in the gut.

The man's eyes open and widen in fear when he sees me.

A/N: Hope y'all liked this chappie again.

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