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"Scarlet, are you okay?" I ask.

"I'm fine. I'm sure Aria has treated you terribly." Scarlet says.

"The Great Queen has treated me terribly." I say.

"We have to break up, Harry. I don't want Aria to hurt us even more as a punishment for being together. She also says I must become a lesbian because she hates men." Scarlet says.

"Can we still be friends?" I ask.

"Yeah. Aria said I can have anything I want as long as it does not involve having a boyfriend or freedom. I'm going to ask the guards if we can have tea." Scarlet says.

One of the guards enters the room.

"Your five minutes are up, Harry." The guard says.

"Shut up, Timothy! Aria said that I could have anything I want besides freedom and a boyfriend. Harry can stay for as long as he wants. Also, while you're here, get Harry and I cups of tea." Scarlet says.

"Yes, ma'am." Timothy says, exiting the room.


I'm shocked to see that an old man is our bouncer tonight. He seems to be trying to hide his face from Ella and I, but we pay no attention as we reach into our clasps for our fake IDs. We forgot our fake IDs, like the idiots we are. Now we have no way to get into a club!

"We don't have our IDs." I say.

"Leave!" The bouncer says, lifting his head.

I gasp in shock and drop my clasp. The bouncer was my real dad who gave me up to the orphanage when I was seven.

"Carl, it's you! Do you remember me? I'm Aria, your daughter. You left me at the orphanage when I was seven." I say.

"You look really young for someone who was supposedly born in the 1940s. I don't even recognize you. My daughter, Aria, died when she was three. Aria was hit by a car. I watched her die. There is no way she is possibly still alive." Carl says.

"You're my dad! But, you're a pathetic liar. I was born when you were 15 and mom was 13. Mom left us when I was young because she was way too young and she just ended up being a 13 year old whore. She never cared about me. But, you never gave up. You dropped out of high school and skipped college just to care for me.

You were the best dad a girl possibly could have had. Except when I was seven, you decided you wanted a future without me. You gave me to an orphanage and I was adopted when I was nine by two men. They were good to me until I was 14. Then, I found out that they were evil scientists who used girls from ages 10-50 in horrific lab experiments.

We were also forced to do backbreaking work out in the snow. When I was 20 years old, I was killed in an experiment. However, the concoction that they inserted into my veins brought me back to life, but turned me into an evil supernatural creature with thirst for blood and an extreme hatred for men.

I also became immortal. I'm now the evil sea goddess of oceans and the Queen of the Atlantic Ocean. Please, believe me. Come and join me! We can rule the seas together as father and daughter." I say.

"You girls are extremely desperate to get into this club, aren't you? Do you actually expect me to believe that? I had a daughter who died in 1947. I can guarantee you that you are not her. My wife never left me. We are still together today, and she was 18 and I was 24 when we had the baby." Carl says.


I lied when I said there will be a #haria breakthrough in this chapter. it will be in the next chapter. I ended up adding other things in this chapter. oops.

1.32k reads for the next chapter.

if i have that amount of reads by today,i will post the teaser for chapter twelve and turn it into a chapter next weekend.

please go check out shady if you like 5sos or some scenes in 50 shades of grey.

it's not a copy of 50 shades of grey and has a completely different plot,but some scenes have similarities.

lo xx

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