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"Good luck. You will need it." One of the guards says.

I nod in thanks and the guards step aside. I enter the elevator and go to the floor that has Aria's throne room. When the doors open, I step out of the elevator and enter the throne room.

"What do you want, Slave?" Aria asks.

I awkwardly get on my knees and bow my head.

"My Dear Queen, I need my duty schedule." I say.

"I will call Kylie and have her bring me your file." Aria says, taking a flip phone from the desk next to her.

Aria punches in a few numbers and puts the call on speaker.

"Mum, is that you? Please, tell me that you have found me. I am sorry that I ran away from England. I have been kidnapped by a creepy supernatural monster! Please, help me get out of here!" Kylie yells.

Tears roll down my cheeks. My best friend, Kylie, has been kidnapped as well. I had hoped that she escaped. Kylie could be getting tortured or something right now.

"Kylie, it's not your mother. It's Lady Ria speaking. I just "borrowed" your mother's phone that you had with you when I took you. I will not hurt you. Everything you could possibly want, except for your freedom, is at your fingertips. I need you to grab Harry Styles's file and bring it to the throne room." Aria says.

"Wait, Harry is there? Harry, can you hear me? Are you alright?" Kylie asks.

"I am okay." I say, even though I'm not.

"Kylie, that man should not be of any importance to you. Now, bring me the file." Aria says.

"Okay, bye." Kylie says.

Aria puts the phone down and we sit in uncomfortable silence until Kylie arrives.

"Harry, you were lying to me! You have a nasty red mark on your cheek. You have all of these claw marks on your back. Not to mention, this monster has been starving you! You are not okay." Kylie says, lifting up my shirt.

Kylie hugs me.

"Enough! I am sick of you feeling sympathy for that worthless man. Besides, you're a lesbian. Men should not be on your mind right now." Aria yells, slamming her golden cane on the marble floor.

"Okay, it was good to see you, Harry, even though this monster is hurting you." Kylie says, handing Aria the file.

"Kylie, please just leave." Aria says, opening my file.

Kylie swiftly exits the throne room and Aria hands me my schedule.

"Leave or you will be executed." Aria says.

I leave the room and glance at my schedule. I have cleaning the showers in the slaves' locker room. Guess I better get started.


Styles just is not getting the hint. He does not deserve to be treated better than the other slaves. He's just a newbie. How dare he act like he is better than everybody else! I think I need a drink. This stress is just getting to be too much.

Ella! I think. Ella appears by my side.

"Did you call for me Ari?" Ella asks.

"Yeah. Let's go get a drink." I say.

"I'm in." Ella says.

"Come." I say.

~at the other castle~

I wash the sea water out of my hair and step out of the shower. After I get dressed in a baggy tee and sweatpants, I exit the bathroom and let Ella take her turn in the shower. When Ella is finished, she changes into the same kind of clothes. We begin to prepare to visit a club in Michigan.

~after the girls are ready~

My dark hair was straight and I was wearing dark eyeshadow. I had a very light amount of mascara and blush. I also had on lip stick, and my teeth were perfectly straight and shiny.

I was also wearing a necklace and a ring from my fiancée, well dead fiancée that I murdered, a short black dress that clung to my curves and showed off cleavage and other parts of
my skin, and white flats. I held a dark clasp with my phone in it in my hands.

Ella's blonde hair was curled into gorgeous ringlets and put up in a high and neat ponytail. She was wearing a light amount of eye shadow and very heavy layers of mascara, making her eyes look very dark. Ella was wearing blush and lipstick.

Ella also wore a long white strapless dress that exposed her back but hid all other skin. She also wore black boots and held a white clutch with her phone in it as well in her hands.

"Let's go." I say, forming an air bubble for Ella and I to travel in.

We exit the castle in the air bubble and soon arrive at a muddy riverbank in Michigan, in Lake Erie.

I lead Ella to a trail up to the bridge and we walk through a city in Michigan until we arrive at town square. In town square, we hail a taxi. Once the taxi driver stops, Ella and I slip into the taxi.

"Where to, ladies?" The taxi driver asks.

"The new Lansing nightclub that just opened." I say.

The taxi driver begins to drive.

~at the club~


hey yall

dont be mad because i have not updated in three months.

writers block is killing me! also,I've been very busy. sorry that I didn't complete the teaser until a week after I said I would complete it.

also, i asked for 1.26k reads, which really is not that hard to get, its only 1,260 reads, and i had 1,240 reads when i asked for this.

1.28k for chapter 10

this is no longer a teaser btw,now a completed chapter. also,I'm going to put little :)s next to the chapters that are remade into this story. if you read past this chapter you will see chapter ten,but it will be a different story and you will be extremely confused.

lo x

update from me after this story was finished; this story is completed and you can read this and start on the sequel now !

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