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short chapter -- eek! sorry...its just past christmas and im quite busy. still,if you want a longer chapter for the next update,please vote and comment. well im making these notes too long so enjoy the chapter



"Are you bloody serious? You are worthless to me. And you are not a prisoner. You are a bloody slave, so don't you dare act like you are better than me, or any average prisoner!" I yelled.

How dare this rotten man act like he is better than me, and how dare he act like he is better than the average prisoner? He is worthless. Styles is a bloody rotten man.

"I wasn't trying to act like that!" Styles yelled.

I could feel my face getting redder and redder.

"No one ever talks to me like that! No man is worthy of speaking to me in that way, and certainly no slave has the privilege of that. Now get your butt out of this room before I kill you!" I screamed so loud the room shook.

I slapped Styles across the face and dug my claws into his skin. He immediately bursts into tears and runs out of the room as fast as possible. Good. He deserves it. If Styles ever treats me like that again, he is dead meat.

Lady Ella suddenly appears by my side, not even startling me. The witch knows how to transport herself from room to room in that way. I can't do that, but I do have super speed.

"Hey, Ria. Having a bad day?" Ella says.


so i have a new story called shady (luke hemmings fanfiction)

go check it out if you want.

btw,i know the cover sucks,but its just a temporary cover. ill have the new one up in a week!

and this story here (dead) will be 25 chapters long,and action packed throughout the rest of the book. so buckle your seatbelts,or dont,i honestly dont give a f*ck,cause its gonna be a wild ride!

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