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"I can't keep you in here for too long. After tea, you should probably leave. But you can always stop by." Scarlet says.

Timothy reenters the luxurious room with two teacups and a kettle filled with tea on a silver platter.

"Thank you. Put the tea on the stand by the bed." Scarlet says.

Timothy puts the silver platter on the stand by Scarlet's bed and exits the room. Scarlet removes the cover and pours our tea. We say nothing to each other as we both drain our hot drinks.

"Goodbye, forever, Scarlet." I say.

I put my cup on the silver platter and ignore Scarlet's teary eyes as I exit the room. After I leave, I just wander about. I don't even have a destination. I'm just walking around.

"Mate, you alright?" A voice says from behind me.

I turn around and find another slave behind me. The male has blonde hair, blue eyes, and a lip piercing. He is wearing an orange jumpsuit, indicating his status.

"Have you been following me this whole time?" I ask.

"Mate, no. I got in a brawl with another slave and ran away from him. I ran into you." The slave says.

"What's your name? I'm Harry." I say, extending my hand.

"Mate, I'm Luke." Luke says.

"I don't know this part of the castle. Do you know the way back to our sleeping quarters?" I say.

Luke spits on the floor.

"Dude, yeah. Follow me." Luke says.

Luke walks in the other direction and I follow him. We soon arrive back at the elevator. At the elevator, we go up to the slave quarters together. Luke and I soon arrive at the tiny room that Luke shares with another slave.

"G'night. Hopefully I'll see you again tomorrow." Luke says.


thank you for 1.34k reads:)

sorry for not updating in two weeks.

this story will be on hold for a while after this chapter.

sorry,but not actually sorry.

lo xx

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