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My heart is pounding. Just a few days ago, Aria would have brutally tortured me and murdered me if I even dared to say something like that.

"Aria, what happened?" I ask.

"I don't know what is wrong with me." Aria sobs.

"Let's get you to my room and we'll talk about it, alright." I say, rubbing Aria's back.

Aria just nods and cries even harder. I take Aria to my room and light a candle to illuminate it. I allow Aria to sob while I attempt to calm her down by patting her back and whispering sweet nothings in her ear.

"Can I tell you something?" Aria asks, when she has calmed down.

"You can tell me anything, My Queen." I say.

"I'm so scared I might be becoming a human again, and I'm scared. I don't want to be a human." Aria says.

"It's gonna be alright." I say.

"My life when I was a mortal haunts me everyday." Aria says.

"I'm sorry." I say.

"Do you want me to leave?" Aria asks.

"If you want to." I say.

"Harry, I like you. I'm staying here." Aria says, laying down.

I lay on the floor.

"Harry, what are you doing? I want you to cuddle with me." Aria says.

I get in bed with Aria and cuddle her.

"Sleep well, My Queen." I say.

"Call me Aria." Aria says.

I soon fall into a peaceful sleep.


"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Aria roars, bringing a claw down on my recently damaged cheek.


aria you twat lets not get too crazy .

also , there will be a double update this weekend .

check out my schedule

today i updated shady

today i rewrote chapter 14 here and tomorrow chapter 15 will be rewritten .

lo xx

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