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"I guess that would sum up my day, Els." I say.

"What made it so bad?" Ella asks.

"My new slave defied me and I have to deal with our neighboring sea kingdom." I say.

"Ria, you'll find a way of steering away from the war. We must keep peace with the Pacific." Ella says.

"I'm just angry." I say.

"You're always angry." Ella says.

"Well, I should probably go to the experimentation room. Please go check on Scarlet and Kylie, and give them whatever they need when they wake up." I say.

Ella and I enter the elevator and I get off at the floor that is just below the slave quarters. Experiment #49 and Experiment #50 are crammed together in the holding cell. I haven't fed the slaves for the past three days, so they should all be weak. This execution should be a piece of cake.

I dig my keys out from my pocket and unlock the holding cell. The two men exit the cell and bow.

"Experiment number forty nine will be executed first." I say.

"I stole food from the kitchens and didn't do any of my chores for a month. I hid this from everyone else while I lived in luxury when I didn't deserve it. I'm worthless to you, and I clearly know it. You already whipped me, poisoned me, experimented on me, and starved me for 6 months. But, you kept me alive with your blood. I have committed so many crimes beyond this, so I deserve death." Experiment #49 says.

"Correct. Now, I'm going to drown you. Please write your final goodbyes to your loved ones on this piece of paper and I will send the message in a bottle. I'm going to go clean out your cupboard while you do this. If you escape, you will face more torture." I say.

Experiment #49 nods. I hand him a piece of paper and a pencil and exit the room. When the elevator stops on the floor for the slave quarters, I enter the shower room.

"Slaves, you may have lunch. The delicious lunches were prepared by our lower slaves, so be sure to thank them." I say.

All of the boys exit the room. I go to the cupboards with names on them. I find a cupboard that says E49;; RIP CALUM in black ink on the door. So, Experiment #49's real name was Calum. I open the cupboard and pick up his clothes, sheets, and pillow. I toss them all into the waste bin and brush off my hands.

That's when I realize I'm not wearing my ring. I exit the room and take the elevator to my changing room. I dress quickly and open the window wall. I swim out as my legs transform into the beautiful mermaid's tail with black crystals. I swim to my separate castle.

I have a separate castle just for myself because every evil goddess needs space sometimes. The doors open and I swim in. When the doors shut behind me, my tail transforms back into human legs. I run to one of my bathrooms and quickly jump into the shower to wash the ocean water out of my hair and off of my body.

Then, I decide to have a salad and watch television. I can eat vegetables when I want to. I quickly prepare my salad and turn on the television. I sit in my luxurious massage chair. The chair begins to massage my back. After watching a few programs, I decide to grab what I really came here for and go back to the other castle.

I turn the television off and rinse my bowl. I put my bowl in my dishwasher and enter my sleeping quarters. I find my ring and the wedding picture on my neatly made bed. Weird. I slept in this bed last night and I don't recall making it. Anyway, I slip my ring on to my finger and stare at the wedding picture.

Tears well up in my eyes. He is the only person who has the key to my heart. He is the only man I will ever have a soft spot in my heart for. The photo brings back unwanted memories. I scream as my vision starts to become blurry, but I'm already having the flashback.


I cry as Dave pushes me out of the mansion. With marks from the whipping on my back, I set off, shivering in the cool night air. when I walk by a bakery, my stomach growls. I sigh. My two abusive dads haven't fed me since Thursday morning, and it's Friday evening now. I turn my face away from the bakery and run into someone's chest.

I fall to the ground.

"Ugh! I should have been watching where I was going. I'm sorry. Let me help you up." The male says.

He kindly helps me up and I get a good look at his flawless features. He was absolute perfection in my eyes with his shaggy dark hair, dark eyes, muscles, and tan. His voice was so deep, but not too deep and it was just music to my ears.

"It's okay. You didn't have to help me up. It was my fault." I say.

That's how I met Edward.


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