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please vote! it will help this story grow when the editing is finished. i want 3k reads and 100 votes by the new year. voting only takes a second, and my chapters are short, but action packed, so you cant say that this is boring, or at least i dont think its boring...i hope not



"What are you?" The man asks.

I ignore him and proceed to break every bone in his body, happily listening to his screams.

"Have fun with Satan." I say, ripping his throat out.

Then, I sip some of the warm blood and sigh out in relief when my thirst is quenched. I spread my wings and begin to fly through the forest, determined to get that Harry boy. I also decide to have Harry as one of my slaves at one of my palaces. I've had enough killing for the day, believe it or not.

third person

Harry runs through the woods. Heartbroken sobs are choked out from between his lips. His perfect girlfriend, Scarlet, could be dead. Harry considered himself to be a coward. He'd left all of his friends to die at the hands of that monster. What was that thing?

It looked like a regular human, except for the pure charcoal eyes, the wings, and the supernatural powers. Whatever it was, it was pure evil, and all Harry wanted was to save himself. Scarlet did tell him to run, after all.

Meanwhile, Aria landed in a tree that was just a few yards away from Harry. Then, she used her super speed to get to Harry as fast as possible. Once she got Harry, she dug her claws into his shoulder and pinned him down on the ground.

Harry yelped as he stared into the monster's eyes.


I gasp and claw at the beast's arms as she puts her hands around my neck. I am running out of air, and black dots are swimming in my vision. Finally, oblivion hits me like a truck and I'm in a peaceful, dark abyss.


I lift my head from the cold floor as I open my eyes and look around this room I'm in. This room smells awful, like rotting flesh and poop. I'm in a cage. I can hear the cries of men, and the squeaking of rats.

"He's awake!" The man in the cage next to mine yells.

"Who are you? Where am I?" I ask.

"I'm a prisoner of Ari, and so are you." The man says.

"Hey! You are a worthless man, and you bloody called Queen Aria by her first name, and on top of that, you got it wrong. When you say our queen's name, you have to say certain things. Now repeat after me. Then, I'll have to send you up to Lady Ria, and its obvious that you won't get a fair trial." A woman says.

This woman had long, greasy blonde hair. It was so long, it touched the floor, and it was incredibly filthy. She wore very dark make up and a tattered black dress. Her eyes were a very dark brown and she had long, beautiful white wings that were covered with what appeared to be mud.

"I'm sorry, Lady Emma." The man says.

"That's not my name! Anyway, repeat after me. Beloved Goddess of the Atlantic, the Ultimate Queen, an unworthy man like me who is even attempting your name would like to address you. Please forgive me, and know that if I ever call you by your first name, Lady of the Waters, you have every right to execute me in the most painful way possible."


hai guys!

ive decided to change this story if you have not already noticed. pls dont read until im done editing or you will get really confused. And this story doesnt have a rating because of wattpad , but i wouldnt call it "mature" it has lots of violence but not other stuff that would make it "mature" so yeah , 13+ to read this because its really violent .

update: read ahead

its an aria and harry love story y'all its not what you think

ren // instagram-@loveaffairzayn

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