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an// still dont get why aria dont want that fine dude on the multimedia. ALSO SOMEBODY MAKE A ME A TRAILER PLS!


"You are a sick little disgusting human!" I yell at my pathetic biological father.

Tears begin to roll down my cheeks. It's the first time I've cried since Edward. I'm grateful that the tears are still an inky black, otherwise, I would be 100% convinced that I would be turning back into a human.

"Ari, let's just go home." Ella says, grabbing my arm.

"Yeah." I sob, following Ella back to the sidewalk.

We decide to just walk back to the bridge. When Ella and I arrive at the bridge, we jump into Lake Erie together. We swim back to my kingdom and enter my special separate castle.

"I haven't seen you cry since Edward's death. If you need to talk to me, you can." Ella says.

"Please don't mention Edward. Thank you, Els, but I'll be fine on my own. Go to bed." I say.

Ella attempts to hug me. I push her away, as usual.

"Goodnight, Ri." Ella says, swimming away from my castle.

For some reason, I feel the need to check on the slaves. I don't know why.

I quickly wash the ocean water out of my hair and swim to my other castle with my hair neatly folded in a towel upon my head. Once I arrive, I remove the towel and run to the elevator. I press the button for the slave quarters and enter.

I soon arrive at the slave quarters and the elevator doors open. I enter the shelving room and walk through the sleeping quarters. It's quiet and my heels echo throughout the small, dirty space as I walk. Only a small torch illuminates the area.

Not paying attention to where I'm going, I bump into someone.

"Oh my God, my queen, I'm so sorry." Harry says, bowing.

"It's alright." I say.

I don't know why, but I'm having this weird feeling in my heart. Is it compassion?

"Harry, I know I've been really mean to you, but would you ever want to be my friend?" I ask, with my lip quivering.

What is wrong with me? I don't need friendship.

"Yeah. What's this about Aria? I apologize if I'm offending you, but you're acting a bit odd." Harry says.

I burst into sobs, surprising Harry.



I love writing this story so much. and sorry for not updating shady I've been so busy.
lo xx

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