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I open my eyes. A loud beeping is the first thing I hear, and pain in my neck is the first thing I feel.

"Where am I?" I ask.

"Hospital." Aria says.

I remember Aria's outburst.

"What happened earlier?" I ask.

"I don't know what came over me. I asked one of the doctors about it." Aria says.

"You told the doctors that you strangled me? Are you insane?" I say.

"I didn't tell them about that part. I just told them that I had a bad experience with this guy and told them everything that has been happening lately and they are diagnosing me. I'm supposed to get the results back today." Aria says.

A doctor enters the room.

"Hello, Harold. I have some things to discuss with Aria. I will tend to you in a minute." The doctor says.

Aria and the doctor exit the room. Aria and the doctor soon come back and Aria now has five pill bottles.

"Hi, Harry. Aria told me that you tried to hang yourself. You are very lucky that you survived. However, I would recommend these suicidal pills. They will help reduce your suicidal thoughts." The doctor says, handing me a pill bottle.

"When can I leave?" I ask.

"You will be discharged tomorrow." The doctor says.

"Thank you." I say.

The doctor exits the room.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened?" I ask.

"I was diagnosed with some things." Aria says.

"I'm sorry. What happened to make this happen to you?" I say.

"It is not your business." Aria snaps.

"Sorry." I say.

"No, I'm sorry." Aria says.

* * *

I was discharged from the hospital the next day. Aria put us in an air bubble and we swam to the castle. Then, we went in. Luckily, the hospital gave me a white tee shirt and sweat pants, so I don't have to wear my orange jumpsuit for now.

"Do you want me to change into another orange jumpsuit?" I ask.

"No. I'm going to start treating the slaves better tomorrow. Excuse me. I'm going to go start writing the new rules." Aria says, going up to her throne room.

I don't know what to do, so I go to my bedroom.

* * *

The next morning, I am awoken by a knock on the door.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Come and eat breakfast with the family." Aria squeals, cheerfully?

Is Aria alright? I shrug and go to the dining area. The rest of the slaves are in there, looking extremely confused.

Aria taps her microphone and it makes a loud noise.


theres a reason why harry can't remember . it will be explained in the next chapter .

lo xx

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