*Flashback before Dinah and her friends went to go save Lauren and her squad...*
Dinah and Ally had the same class when they heard the explosion. The whole room was in a panic and the teacher tried calming everyone down. Ally was scared and so she ran over towards Dinah and squeezed her tightly.
"It's alright Ally, aren't you supposed to be the mighty Allysus and save us all?" Dinah joked.
Ally playfully smacked Dinah on the arm,"Now is not the time for jokes Hansen! There's a possibility of death for us!"
"Ally, I'm kidding OK. We'll be fine. And I'll be here, WE'LL be here, together." Dinah said, squeezing her tighter.
They walked towards the corner of the classroom to hide and they talked for minutes until it just felt like hours. That's when they heard unusual superhuman sounds from the other halls.
"Who is that?" Ally asked.
"I don't know. It sounds like a mixture of crackling fire, ice, snarling, and other stuff." Dinah answered.
"Wait, Dinah! I really wanna check on Normani and Camila. We should've all been together when this happened." Ally started to cry.
"No don't you dare cry Allyson! We're all gonna make it out alive and we'll be OK. If not, I'm not gonna give up until we get the freak out of here." Dinah said sternly, staring at Ally.
"OK but-" Ally started but stopped at they started to hear running down the hallway.
"Are those the enemies?" Ally whispered as the teacher instructed them to do.
"I'm not sure but, let's hope not." Dinah said.
They watched through the window and waited and saw that there were 6 figures running down the hall. All of them being around their age.
"Wait a second.... that's Lauren, Camila, Jade, Harry, Perrie, and Louis!" Dinah whisper yelled.
"Wait..... WHY THE HECK ARE THEY RUNNING DOWN THE HALLWAY?!? DID THEY NOT HERE THOSE SUPERNATURAL NOISES!?" Ally yelled as loud as possible in a whisper voice.
"Shhhh! Ally, we are still locked in a classroom while hell is being unleashed outside. So, it'd be best to just calm down for now." Dinah tried to constrain Ally from yelling.
Suddenly, they had heard screaming from the 6, "Don't touch her!" The voice sounding like Camila's.
"Freak! That 100% Camila screaming. What the heck happened?!" Dinah asked, panic in her voice.
"Here, let's go to the window and check. But wait, I'm gonna grab something for you to use as a weapon, cause I can't fight." Ally said seriously as she scavaged for a weapon and came back with a yard stick.
Dinah looked at her strangely, "Stop looking at me like that! Here, take this and let's go to the windows." Ally told her, handing her the yard stick that Dinah ended up taking.
They walked to the window and looked around the hallway and saw that their friends were being constrained. They also saw that they were trying to fight back.
"Why do they have the will to fight back?!" Ally asked confused and angered at the same time.
"Um, because they're being constrained?" Dinah replied.
"Look OK, I'm just all over the place right now. I can't think... Did Camila just stick her hand out towards the water fountain and water came out?" Ally questioned slowly.
"WHAT. THE. HECK. She did." Dinah watched in awe as more and more water kept coming but failed to be controlled.
"We need to help them!" Ally said, "But how?"
They felt a tap on their shoulder and they turned around to see Jesy and Leigh-Anne, "Can we look through the window too?"
"Yeah sure, move over here next to me." Dinah motioned.
Once they were "seated", Dinah filled them in on what was happening down the hall.
"Perrie and Jade!? No! We've got to save them!" Jesy whisper yelled.
"I know, I know. But how? I mean, I now know they have powers and they could most likely beat those dudes but how? How are WE supposed to beat them?" Ally asked hopelessly.
"We are gonna have to fight even if it means we die. Those are our best friends out there. We are gonna try our dang best." They turned around and saw Liam.
"Liam! How though?" Leigh-Anne asked.
"Grab some weapons that could be of possible use and upgrade them to whatever, and go out there to fight." Liam said simply.
"Easier said then done." Jesy said.
"Well what other choice do we have, Jess?! Our friends are dying out there and your just gonna stay here and cry about it?! No, we're gonna save them, right here right now." Liam yelled.
He pushed them up off the floor and told them to grab whatever they could use and grabbed some extra equipment.
"What are these extras for?" Ally asked.
"Just incase one breaks...or if we gather new people to use them." Liam smirked, "We're gonna go to Classroom 207 and grab the rest of our friends. Normani, Niall, and Zayn. Let's go."
Liam grabbed his backpack along with the others and he also grabbed his weapon, a yard stick with a pair of scissors taped on the end. It was ratchet, he thought, but it's gonna have to do.

Ruined World (Camren, Jerrie, Larry)
FanfictionThe years of living in the world Camila, Lauren, Perrie, Jade, Harry, and Louis have been in has been a totally agonizing experience for all of them. They are weak, feel defeated, and powerless... Kinda. The thing is, they all have powers and have o...