Once they all finished raiding the store, Niall and Louis started hijacking some cars in the parking lot so that each other can escape safely in a vehicle.
"You know, Lauren went off on you all earlier. I can tell." Louis told Niall from across cars.
"Not my decision, glad she cares though," Niall said simply.
"We ALL care, Niall, not just Lauren and Camila. We're all pissed and depressed you guys are leaving but, there's nothing we can do about it. I don't understand, maybe I shouldn't, but I can't help but think you guys just don't..." Louis trailed off and got quiet, just closing his mouth before his tears rolled down.
"I'm sorry..." Niall whispered softly.
They finished readying the cars and the 6's friends drove out of sight. They all stood there, looking at the distant smoke from their friends disappear and rise into the horizon as their eyes gleamed from the fading sunlight. Lauren was the first to disappear and go inside of the store to get ready to sleep as they all still looked off.
Lauren placed her backpack down in an aisle as she started to push some shelves to create an open space, avoiding her friends outside who were still focusing on the ones that had already left. She wandered the store and found some things they could use as beds and created a small area. They all followed after her.
They sat around in a circle, Lauren setting some plants or something a-light, attempting a for a campfire. She got the flame to ignite and set fire towards the campfire as the others watched it burn slowly. Lauren sat down by herself and put her jacket on her back, watching with the others the fire burn. Coincidentally, everyone put in their earphones, listening to whatever sad music they had on their phones. Lauren played "hostage by Billie Eilish," Camila played "Somebody Else by The 1975," Perrie played "Gravity by EDEN," Jade played "tell me why i'm waiting by Timmies," Harry played, "Talk Me Down by Troye Sivan," and Louis played, "Aim For Me by Approaching Nirvana."It felt like their worlds were crumbling, they didn't know what to do. Although Camila had figured out who was like her, she couldn't figure out what to do for them. She thought to herself, "I'm always happy, when have I never been happy? Sure I've had some mishaps, a few depressing moments with liking girls, first off, and having this blessing of a curse called water-bending or some shit like that, but I thought I was supposed to raise people's spirits."
She had no idea in her mind that would make her newly found friends happy in this moment in time. So they sat in silence, nothing was heard unless you were one of them, listening to the tunes playing through their headphones. Only the crackling fire and the faint breathing of everyone in the room.
Their eyes slowly closed as they faded away into dreams, more of nightmares of their fears. Losing people, loneliness, just sadness in general. But they used their powers and saved the day in those dreams. After Harry had woken up, he had realized that. That in which their powers can save them, it's the only thing that can. Or can it?
They got going as soon as everyone woke up. They checked the inside of the store, making sure everything was clear of things they needed, and immediately left the store with the hijacked cars and owned cars they already had. They drove down the roads, across a bridge, through the highway, until they reached a stoplight.They all turned to look in the direction of the sounds they heard coming from afar. It was the bridge, and they were on that bridge. They turned to find that the snapping of wires and chords were coming from the bridge, it was about to collapse. Everyone stared astonished at the sight while Camila went back into reality and yelled at them to step on the gas and go. The columns holding up the bridge were also starting to collapse. They took no time to wonder how and why the bridge was collapsed, they got out of there as fast as possible.
All they heard was the sounds of the bridge falling in the water below them and the cars and such breaking and getting totally demolished from the concrete structures built as the bridge. They were feared as if they couldn't get to the other side fast enough, as they should when they noticed that the debree came closer and closer. If they weren't sober and had their phones out, they would probably be the winners of a "highest speed limit" contest on Snapchat. But they were smarter than that and knew that if they did something stupid like that right now, they would be guaranteed death right then and there. They would be playing with their lives and would get a game over real quick.
The bridge's destruction was coming closer and closer to the point where if they turned around, the edge would be right on their tails, able to pull them down into the water. One made the mistake to turn around and as Lauren looked down into the water down below, the event occurred in which with a twitch of her arm, her motorcycle jerked, the bridge catching up to them.
A/n WELL WELL WELL! Would you look at that, an update. Haven't had one of those in a while and there are a number of reasons why that hasn't happened too. Well, to sum things up in a way, there were birthdays, vacations, depression and anxiety working together, and one horrible word to rule them all, well I guess two. FINALS AND SCHOOL ALTOGETHER. I mean those ARE TECHNICALLY 4 words but you know. LIFE SUCKS! But uh, genuinely sorry about not updating, I missed it as much as you guys annoyed me about making an update lol. Thanks for the support though, I realized how much people actually LIKE MY STORY. LIKE WHAT?! Thank you guys for the patience, more to come.
P.S, that cliffhanger tease thoughhh

Ruined World (Camren, Jerrie, Larry)
Fiksi PenggemarThe years of living in the world Camila, Lauren, Perrie, Jade, Harry, and Louis have been in has been a totally agonizing experience for all of them. They are weak, feel defeated, and powerless... Kinda. The thing is, they all have powers and have o...