It was 9:00 PM and everyone had woken up and they started packing up. Once they finished they started planing out. They all gathered around a desk and laid out a piece of construction paper they found in the room somewhere.
"Alright then, plan to get out." Louis started.
"OK listen, I'm too lazy to be doing plans. I have a plan though, just run through the school and get out, Louis turns into like, a huge elephant or something and we go on him and go away. Or if any of you have vehicles in the parking lot, that's good too." Lauren said, sitting down in a chair and playing with fire, literally in her hand.
"Lauren has an actually pretty good plan. But another problem is that I don't think all the juniors are out of the school yet. I mean I know it's 9 at night but I don't know what happened." Camila said.
"Um, how about we send out a team and scout out through the classes. I'll receive all your guys' numbers and then you message me if there is are isn't any people in the classes. If there is, we get them out as quick as possible and if there isn't, we just escape and go home." Dinah suggested.
"Alright, we'll do that. I'll volunteer to go with the scouting team!" Liam said.
"Well, me too I guess." Lauren said standing up.
"Wait, how many of us are there? Let me count. Lauren, Louis, Liam, Camila, Harry, Perrie, Jade, Dinah, Normani, Niall, Ally, Jesy, Leigh-Anne, and me, Zayn duh. So, can I choose who'll stay and who'll go?" Zayn asked.
"Sure." They said all together.
"Alright. All of us together equals 14 people, most of them human. I think we should get you specials in half and 3 of you guys go along with 4 others. So, Lauren, Harry, and Louis go with Niall, Normani, Jesy, and Leigh-Anne. Perrie, Jade, Ally, Camila, Liam, Dinah, and I will stay here to defend this place or whatever. I suggest you guys take our weapons just incase any mishaps happen." Zayn said as he handed his bat to Lauren.
"Everyone gimme your phone number." Dinah said as she walked up to every person in the scouting unit and exchanged phone numbers.
"Guys, be safe. When you are in a sticky situation, especially you 3," Liam pointed at Harry, Louis, and Lauren, "Don't unleash your powers, calm down and use your weapons. Handle them well and be wise when to use your powers."
"Got it. Alright you guys, be brave, no turning back." Harry said facing the door, holding the weapon Dinah had given him.
"Yeah let's go." Lauren said, "Louis, Harry, push the bookcase out of the way and Liam and Niall push it back into place when we're out. 3, 2, 1, GO!"
Louis jumped up and transformed into a gorilla and him and Harry got next to the bookcase and pushed it to the side. Lauren pushed herself onto the door and twisted the doorknob open as they ran down the hall. Niall ran towards the door and shut it, Liam right behind him and moving next to the bookcase to push it back.
They pushed the bookcase back to its original position and everyone went up towards the window to watch the scouting unit checking each classroom and seeing if there're any students in them. They end up making it down the hallway only to be ambushed by a bunch of enemies. They get startled and almost all of them get captured and are about to unleash their powers but Lauren translates those powers to her bat and swings it hard.
She knocks 4 of them out and the rest of them start fighting back along with her friends fighting back at them as well. Once they took the enemies out, Jesy took out her phone and texted Dinah, telling them that the coast was clear and that there were no more students in the classes.
"Coast's clear guys. Let's go." Dinah said looking up at them.
Everyone gathered their stuff and Liam and Niall pushed the bookcase out the way while Zayn walked up to the door and opened it, everyone running out behind and following him. They all met up at the end of the hallway as they started running relatively quietly down the flights of stairs to the entrance.
Once they made it to the front doors of the school, they bashed it open and ran over the gates, towards the parking lot.
"Alright who's got vehicles?" Camila asked.
Lauren, Jesy, Niall, and Zayn said they did and told what they had. Lauren had her moterbike, Jesy had a four person car, Niall also had a moterbike, and Zayn had a 6 person car, totalling out to 14 people aloud to be seated, perfect amount.
"So, Camila'll be on my bike, Ally could be with Niall, Jesy with Leigh-Anne, Perrie and Jade, and Zayn with Louis, Liam, Harry, Dinah, and Normani." Lauren said.
"OK, agreed. Let's go where though?" Camila said, walking next to Lauren.
"I don't know. Do you think we should check on the town first? I mean I think that it didn't only happen here, the invasion. I feel like it's happening all over right now." Leigh-Anne said.
"Sure, and you know, if we end up that we're it some sort of apocalyptic situation, stay together and loot stores for food. I'm starving." Harry said, making everyone start to laugh.
"Alright you guys, let's roll!" Normani smiled, jumping into Zayn's car.
Lauren mounted her bike and Camila went on behind her, wrapping her arms around Lauren's waist and hugging tightly. Lauren faced forward again and grinned.
"Hey Camz, if you're still tired you can go to sleep." She said.
"No its fine. Just the body's a little limp. Also if you want I could hold your backpack since it must be weighing you down." Camila replied, offering.
"No, no. That's unnecessary-" Lauren started until Niall interrupted them.
"Guys! Stop flirting with each other! We gotta start moving already!" Niall yelled over the sound of his engine starting up.
Both girls blushed and nodded as Lauren started her bike as well and drove following Zayn, Niall, and Jesy's vehicles.
A/n Sorry for not updating. I'm not busy, just lazy XD

Ruined World (Camren, Jerrie, Larry)
FanficThe years of living in the world Camila, Lauren, Perrie, Jade, Harry, and Louis have been in has been a totally agonizing experience for all of them. They are weak, feel defeated, and powerless... Kinda. The thing is, they all have powers and have o...