Once they elminated the whole squad of enemies, the teacher approached them, "W-what are you people?"
They all looked at each other, disabling their powers.
Louis spoke up, turning back into a human, "Miss, we are um, special. We all have our individual gifts and.... we have to go!"
Louis grabbed Harry and Camila by their hands and ran out of the room as Perrie, Jade, and Lauren ran after them. They didn't know where Louis was going but, they knew he would know where to go somehow, even though he just came to school a few days ago.
They ran out into the hallways where the lockers were and they collected all their locker items that they needed. Lauren grabbed her photos and the books she enjoyed reading from there. Camila and the rest basically did the same but then Jade spoke up.
"Guys! Our backpacks are in the room still! My phone is in there too." She said.
"I'll get them, be right back." Louis said as he turned into a crow and flew back towards the class swiftly.
They finished taking out their stuff and on que, Louis came back as an eagle, carrying all their backpacks with his eagle mouth. He turned back into a human.
"Here they are!" Louis replied back.
"How the hell do you know these are our backpacks?" Lauren laughed.
"Don't call me stalker now, I just memorize people when they came into class and their backpacks." Louis replied back.
"OK, definitely not stalker." Lauren said back.
They grabbed their backpacks and turned towards Louis.
"So, why'd you bring us out here?" Camila asked.
"Because we have no chose but to go. You see, I'm intelligent and I really do have the inscints of animals sometimes. And in the past, my parents send me away to a camp. A special camp where there were only 'people like me'. That's what they thought, but really it was for special education, not for a person like me." Louis said.
"Um, what does this have to do with our situation?" Perrie asked.
"Well, let me finish. Well the kids told me to tell me my "special disorder" and I turned into a wolf. They screamed and the instructors came out and saw me as a wolf and they basically abused me. I turned back into a human and one of the instructors pulled out a gun and aimed it at me screaming and calling me a demon. Before he could shoot me, I turned into a bird and flew away. Now everytime I'm in a sticky situation, I just run away." Louis finished.
"Louis... thank god you're OK." Harry smiled.
Perrie sidestepped nearer to Lauren and whispered, "I see a couple in them, don't you?"
Lauren giggled, "Definitely."
"Guys we need to move!" Jade yelled out, "I hear and sense footsteps coming!"
"Alright, follow me! I know the closest way out." Camila shouted as she ran towards Lauren and grabbed her hand, running down the hallway.
The other 4 followed her down the hallway as she guided them through to the nearest exit. Once she found an exit, she stopped in her tracks and stopped everyone else as she saw some troops.
"OK wait, we have to go through the vents. I have a feeling that there is a troop blocking every exit." Camila whispered.
"Lead they way princess." Harry joked.
Camila grabbed Lauren's hand again and guided them towards a locker.
"Harry, could you move this locker?" Camila asked.
"Yeah, Louis help me out will ya?" Harry said.
"Yeah hold up." Louis said as he turned into a gorilla and moved the locker with Harry, as they almost knocked it across the hall for they were too strong for the locker.
"Woah, OK monsters let's go." Perrie joked as Camila walked forwards.
"Here wait, let me open the vent." Jade said.
She crystallized her right hand and punched the vent open.
"Dang, that was hot-" Perrie started but Lauren nudged her.
"You got the hots for her don't you now?" Lauren chuckled.
"I wasn't supposed to say that out loud." Perrie whispered and blushed.
Lauren quietly giggled as Camila called for them to get moving.
"Alright you guys, let's go!" Camila said as she led the way through the vents.

Ruined World (Camren, Jerrie, Larry)
FanficThe years of living in the world Camila, Lauren, Perrie, Jade, Harry, and Louis have been in has been a totally agonizing experience for all of them. They are weak, feel defeated, and powerless... Kinda. The thing is, they all have powers and have o...