"We stopped because we can't go with you." Zayn sighed.
"Wait, what?!" Lauren asked confused.
"Lauren," Niall started, "When you guys were asleep, you guys with powers I mean, the rest of us who saved you guys stayed awake watching you fall asleep. We discussed what we were to do next and we came to the conclusion that we should leave you guys alone."
"Niall! But why?!" Lauren was so confused, she couldn't understand why they were splitting up. "I thought we could just stay together and work as a team kind of thing."
"I'm sorry Lauren and we understand your guys' predicament but, we have to attend to our families and this is how we have to protect you. We leaving for your own sake." Jesy frowned.
"What?! I don't understand you guys!! It doesn't make sense, you're not protecting us, you're leaving us for your selfish nature!" Camila yelled at them.
"Camila, calm down. You have to understand that you guys are in danger and we need to leave so you guys are safe." Ally put her hand on Camila's shoulder.
"NO! YOU GUYS ARE-" She started as she got interrupted.
"Stop! I understand why you guys are confused but this is our only choice. You'll understand in the end." Zayn sadly smiled. "We'll take you guys to the park and then we'll go. Unless you wanna go somewhere else."
"How about hell, Zayn? How about that, huh?!" Lauren got infuriated, her fists lighting on fire.
Camila stood in front of her and poured water on Lauren's hands, with the water fountain nearby, and told her to calm down.
"Lauren, we have no other way, and you know that. I'm sorry." Ally apologized, "We've already told Leigh-Anne to tell Perrie and Jade and Liam to tell Harry and Louis."
"I just... Don't understand. Today was hell and yet, you guys are gonna leave us?" Lauren's voice cracked, "The world probably is ending, but you guys still have the audacity to leave your best friends."
"Don't Lauren. This is a hard decision to make, you barely know us and you care so much, it's cute. Everyone is more heartbroken than you, don't worry, we'll come back." Zayn calmly said to her.
"We don't have time, the sun is rising. We need to go before the sun rises or else we'll get in trouble by our parents." Niall chuckled sarcastically.
"Fine, we can't stop you. Let's go." Camila sighed.
Everyone walked back to their vehicle but Lauren stood there, staring at the ground, still trying to figure out why they left each other.
"Listen OK, we understand and we're more heartbroken than you are. Get over it, we're not gonna die, we're gonna see each other again, I swear to you." Lauren looked up to see Jesy tell her that.
"Fine, I'll put my issues aside and just let you guys go." Lauren felt tears well up in her eyes as she stormed off back to her motorbike.
The sun started to rise as the group of friends drove through the corrupted city. Buildings were still smoking and on fire from the mystery attack from yesterday. They didn't know what happened, all they remembered was escaping the school building and seeing the streets empty and the town trashed with ashes and burning fire.Lauren gripped the bike handles tightly as Camila hugged her from behind, trying to calm her down with her voice.
"You know this had to-"
"Camila stop." Lauren interrupted Camila, "I get it, they left us cause they didn't have a choice. No matter how many times you want to tell me that, I don't buy it."
Camila gritted her teeth, "Do you know how painful it is for me right now, Lauren?! You know no one here yet you're complaining about your 'best friends.'"
Lauren softened her grip on the bike handles. She couldn't take it in, she couldn't accept that she was leaving these people unprotected. But she knew she had to let go. So, she did.
They drove on and on until they arrived at an abandoned Walmart. Everyone went in the store with their backpacks and went to get any essentials they could find.
"Isn't this illegal?" Perrie asked.
"Girl, the world just ended. If anything, this is far from illegal, it's free food." Dinah laughed, putting her arm over Perrie's shoulders.
"But, the town still has civilians and police, this Walmart is probably just closed and we just broke into it." Perrie said uncomfortably.
"I know you got ice powers and stuff, but don't be so cold right now girl. We'll just take what we need and leave, alright?" Dinah smiled.
Perrie nodded in agreement and they continued gathering food, clothing, and whatever necessities they needed.
A/n Few things, sorry for being inactive, happy birthday Lauren, and thanks for 2k reads and 200 votes!! Like, what? But this story I feel was kinda rushed and now that I've written a good amount of stuff in this story, I'm just gonna finish it how I want to, even though I have hundreds of ideas of what I could've done. Also this chapter is short and really bad because I'm just using it as a kind of filler for now. Thanks for your guys' patience and the support on this book!!

Ruined World (Camren, Jerrie, Larry)
FanfictionThe years of living in the world Camila, Lauren, Perrie, Jade, Harry, and Louis have been in has been a totally agonizing experience for all of them. They are weak, feel defeated, and powerless... Kinda. The thing is, they all have powers and have o...