A/N small mention of suicide, warning
Lauren walked towards the bathroom to do her business. She entered a stall and was about to pee when she heard the bathroom door being opened and what seemed to be like a typical high school situation, two people bullying one.
"Please, please don't take anything! My stuff is valuable!" A girl voice begged as Lauren heard as the girl was pushed to the floor.
"Oh shut up, P.E! You think you can just take your stuff and go on your way without us taking our daily money?" Another girl asked, laughing and mocking the girl.
"Poor girl." Lauren murmured.
"Yeah, you're nothing but a disgusting piece of dirt that should die." The other girl agreed.
That was the line for Lauren as for she had a flashback to her friend who was bullied the same way and did follow the bully's orders in the end. Lauren cried the whole week straight, not being able to open her bedroom door to eat or go to the bathroom or communicate.
She exited the stall and walked swiftly towards the girls. The three of them watched as Lauren secretively hid her hand behind her back and lit her flames on to try to calm herself down.
"Leave her alone you guys." Lauren said looking at the two girls and then looking down at the girl on the ground.
The girl on the ground scrambled up onto her feet on picked up her backpack while looking at Lauren and hiding behind her.
"No! She owes us money for letting her go on safely yesterday." One of the girls said.
Lauren extinguished her flames, so that the bullied girl wouldn't see them, "How dumb the world has turned now." Lauren smiles.
She started slowly chuckling and looks at the two girls and rushed forward, throwing two mighty punches one to each of them. They laid on the floor, starting to cry.
"Y'all better not report me, unless you wanna catch these hands again." Lauren mocked, wiping her hands on her black jeans.
Lauren grabbed the awestruck girl beside her and dragged her out of yhe bathroom.
"OH MY GOSH! YOU JUST DID THAT!?" The girl shouted a little too loud.
"Yeah shush before I get into trouble." Lauren smiled softly at the girl, "The name's Lauren, Lauren Jauregui." She said offering her hand.
"Thanks so much for saving me Lauren. I'm Perrie, Perrie Edwards." Perrie smiled, shaking Lauren's hand.
"Don't mention it." Lauren said back.
"OH MY GOSH! THERE YOU ARE PERRIE!" Jesy screams, rushing towards Perrie.
"It's OK Jess, Lauren saved me, wow it sounds so dumb saying it." Perrie smiled towards Jesy.
"Oh OK." Jesy made it towards them and started panting. "But, may I ask, who the hell must you be Lauren? Not in a bad way, it's just how I greet people when I first meet them."
"Oh um, I'm new here if that clears it up." Lauren said smiling.
"OK then, well, my name's Jesy Nelson. Nice to meet you Lauren." She smiled holding out her hand.
"Lauren Jauregui." Lauren shaked her hand back.
"Now, me and Perrie gotta go consulting about something. OK gotta go." Jesy says quickly, dragging Perrie along by the hand.
"Ugh not the consulting! Let go of me Jessica! Lauren help me!" Perrie started shouting.
Lauren stood there smiling and chuckling a bit, "I wish my friends were here."
"L-Lauren?! OH MAH GOSH LAUSER THAT'S YOU!" Lauren turned around to see her old school friend from middle school there.
"DJ! Yeah its me!" Lauren smiled happily suddenly getting engulfed by a huge koala bear hug from her.
"Where have you been?! Are you OK?!" Dinah asked.
"Well I've been at the high school next to out middle school and I guess, you've been here. Man, if I knew you were here, I would've not have called this school crappy." Lauren said.
"Wow, typical Lauren, hates everything." Dinah joked. "I've gotta show you around and introduce you to my friends too! Man this is gonna be great!"
"Harry, calm yourself down, for goodness sakes!" Harry's friend, Zayn yelled at him.
Harry had gotten into another fight and Zayn, being his best friend, had stopped him.
"No Zayn! Let go!" Harry tried to break free of Zayn's grasp but, ended up giving up knowing he could probably knock him out if he punched him.
"Let's go, you idiot." Zayn says, dragging Harry along.
They make it to an empty classroom and they sit down.
"Man, you haven't improved whatsoever." Zayn told him smirking.
"I'm sorry, I can't contain it! Everyone just seems to be annoying to me." Harry says looking down at his hands.
"You need to improve, you're gonna end up killing someone one day if you keep beating them up. You're improving in terms of strength, which I don't know if it's at good or bad thing." Zayn explains, placing a hand on Harry's shoulder. "Don't worry man, we could do it."
"I believe you, I know you can help me, you're my best friend after all Zayn. I'm sorry for everything." Harry smiles.
"OK calm yourself, your gay is showing mate." Zayn laughs as he makes his way out of the classroom, "See you when class starts."
A/n we're getting close to the good stuff, just wait

Ruined World (Camren, Jerrie, Larry)
FanfictionThe years of living in the world Camila, Lauren, Perrie, Jade, Harry, and Louis have been in has been a totally agonizing experience for all of them. They are weak, feel defeated, and powerless... Kinda. The thing is, they all have powers and have o...