Chapter 12

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A/n halfway to 1000 read!

Camila led the way through the vents and Harry was behind them all as he put back the vent. They followed Camila through the system until they got to a vent that led to the outside.

"OK, Jade? Would you like to the honors?" Camila asked as she turned towards Jade.

"Sure, one sec." Jade said, looking at her right hand as she crystallized it.

She punched the vent open and the vent door fell all the way down and clattered on the floor below them. They found out that they were on the roof.

"OK... I didn't think we were that high up." Camila said.

"Wait, let me get us down." Perrie spoke up as she crawled past them and went towards the front.

She cast her hand forward and moved it into a curved shape along the ground as ice formed a huge slide from the vent. 

"Alright! Now, let's slide not into the DM's, because I don't get any anyways." Perrie laughed awkwardly.

"It's alright Pez, neither do I." Jade giggled as she pat Perrie on the back.

They all started giggling and Louis spoke up, "Alright you guys, we should get going now before the forces get to us. We are out in the open after all."

"OK, let's go." Lauren nodded as she slid down the slide. 

"F*CK!" She shouted as the ice slowly melted away. "My fire powers are trying to fight back against the ice, and my body is getting colder."

"Hang in there!" Louis yelled back as he turned into a polar bear and slid down the slide. 

He picked up Lauren and slid all the way down the slide as they both landed on the ground below them.

"Thanks. Uh, my name's Lauren." Lauren smiled. "I realized we haven't properly introduced ourselves so yeah."

"Louis Tomlinson. Nice to meet you, Lauren." Louis said back turning back into human.

"You guys! Louis and I will scout the area out here, take your time coming down the slide!" Lauren called towards the other 4 as her and Louis split up and checked the area.

"Wait, let me repair it." Perrie said.

She filled in the rest of the ice into the gaps.

"Let's go!" She said as she slid down.

Everyone else followed right behind her and got down to the ground safely.

Lauren and Louis came back, Louis turning back to human as well, "OK, coast's clear."

They all walked together towards the parking lot. Once they arrived, they started to discuss.

"OK, game plan, we need options. We can save the school, runaway, check our families and whatever else." Lauren said, turning around to talk to them.

"We HAVE to save the school! My friends are still in there!" Camila exclaimed.

"Yeah, me too. So, what do we should do then?" Harry asks.

"We're gonna have to fight again." Perrie said.

They turned around and looked back to the entrance of the school. They had to fight, again.

A/n nvm, it's only 300 reads away from 1000 now!!

Ruined World (Camren, Jerrie, Larry)Where stories live. Discover now