A/n I hit 100 reads on this book! Thank you guys!
As the bell rang, everyone went back to class and did their deeds. Camila doing well, Louis focusing hard on his work, Lauren getting her straight A's, Harry in the office or otherwise not listening to the teacher, Perrie attentively listening for instructions, and Jade, in chemistry class.
Jade had mixed feelings about chemistry class. She knew why she had mixed feelings, her powers made her feel like this. Jade appreciated her gift but knew it was a curse, for every person that has powers always go through the most toughest things in life.
Jade's power was quite related to chemistry and she was excited to learn about her ability and the science and such about it. But she was also scared that maybe she would get too excited and use her power really quick to just observe how it formed in her hand.
"...Jade Thirlwall!" The teacher was taking rollcall.
"Here!" Jade called back, snapping back into reality.
"Hey, are you OK?" Jade looked to her right, eyeing her crush, Perrie Edwards.
Jade loved everything about Perrie, her eyes, her smile, her laugh, her passion. And though hasn't known her very much, she wanted to know her.
"Y-y-yeah I'm f-fine." Jade stutters to get the words out.
Perrie starts chuckling, "OK Jade."
Perrie turns back around to her original position as Jade looks down at her lap trying to regain her breathing as she also tries to ignore the fact that she just talked to the most beautiful girl she's ever seen.
This started to ignite a small spark in Jade and her power got unleashed, and Jade looked in horror as her hand slowly turned to crystal. She tried to regain her senses and stop it quickly when the teacher called at her.
"Um, Jade? What are you doing with your arm." Her teacher asked from a distance, making everybody's head turn.
Crap, she thought. "Nothing sir, it's just that my arm is a bit itchy."
"OK ... well figure that out quickly for we are about to start our lesson." He said to her, turning back around towards the board.
"Thank the up high gods." Jade murmured to herself as the crystals slowly de-crystallized her arm. Too many close calls, she thought.
Jade looked to her right, checking and making sure that Perrie didn't see her use her power and she was good. Let's hope that I could get through this day, Jade said in her mind.
Everyone was released from school and everyone went home. Though the 6 were still packing up. Lauren walked out the classroom and walked towards the exit. Camila was right behind her.
Camila started walking faster to catch up to her for Lauren was unfamiliar to her. Once she reached Lauren and when Lauren turned around, Camila froze, recalling the girl's green eyes and how Ally apparently saw her drooling.
"Um, hi?" Lauren was unsure as to what to say.
"Um, sorry, but uh, I haven't seen you around here before. Are you new?" Camila said, her voice kinda shaky and trying to regain herself.
"Oh yeah. So, I just moved here today from my old school in Orlando. My name's Lauren." Lauren told Camila.
"H-hi. I'm Camila. Well, technically my name is Karla. But I like Camila more, cause Karla to me is a weird name. And Camila is a nice name-" Camila was interuppted on her rambling by Lauren.
"I think it's fine Camila. I really like your name." Lauren said with a smile.
Lauren was almost as starstruck as Camila because though and Lauren tried to hide that. They both looked at each other, enjoying each others presence. Though they were just standing there, it wasn't very awkward.
"Uh, it was nice meeting you Camila. Hope to see you around." Lauren turned back around towards the exit.
She wanted to leave the slight awkwardness.
"Yeah, see you later Lauren." Camila smiled, standing there.
Camila fiddled with her fingers and smiled. She was looking forward to getting to know Lauren more. I'll see you tomorrow, Lolo, she thought.

Ruined World (Camren, Jerrie, Larry)
Fiksi PenggemarThe years of living in the world Camila, Lauren, Perrie, Jade, Harry, and Louis have been in has been a totally agonizing experience for all of them. They are weak, feel defeated, and powerless... Kinda. The thing is, they all have powers and have o...