Chapter 6

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A/n a pretty long one today :D

Another successful day at school for Perrie Edwards for she made it through the day, just hanging out with her friends, meeting up with Lauren again, and talking to her crush, Jade Thirlwall. She was so in love.

As Perrie walked home with her books and such being cradled in her arms as she thought about how her parents might yell at her again. Perrie's parents were unfortunately abusive and that's how she found out about her power. She used it as her defense and sometimes to run away.

As she walked home, she decided to play around with it a bit. So Perrie walked to her favorite area, the place she would just run away to and chill out at when she was lonely, the roof.

Perrie lived alone in an apartment and her parents didn't even notice her make that move. As she entered her small living space, Perrie went inside of the bedroom and dropped off her equipment, grabbing her phone, earphones, and her hoodie.

Perrie exited from the balcony, onto the fire escape and jumped onto the rod. There she went ahead and put on her hoodie and put on her hood.

Perrie cast out her hand and let the particles of ice start emitting a cold feel from it. She held her hands there until a whole sphere of ice had formed in her hand. Perrie held the sphere of ice in her hands and sat down, examining it.

She threw it around in her hands remembering her past days of school this week. Perrie remembered when Jade was acting really weird one day and then, she saw it. Perrie dropped her ice sphere as she remembered seeing Jade's arm start crystallizing.

Perrie then smiled at the thought because she knew something was up with Jade when she first met her. She knew that Jade was different from the rest, she was special in a different way too. She had powers just like Perrie.

Perrie stood up and started playing around with her ice. She summoned spears and icicles which she threw around and built structures. The one thing Perrie tried hard that she couldn't do was make a thick wall or barrier with her ice. She's tried time and time again but she could not do it.

Once Perrie finished up with her ice casting session, she laid down on the surface below her and looked up to the sky, it had turned around 6 pm now and she decided to watch the sunset whilst listening to music.

Perrie put in her earphones and listened to music as she watched the sunset and the horizon.

Camila was doing her homework and while she was thinking of the answer to the next question, she was thinking about something else. She swung her pencil around and watched her bottle of water swish around as Camila had commanded it to do in her head.

She thought about how some of the people she had met had been different. 1, Camila thought, 2, 3, 4, 5. There were 5 of them, she remembered correctly. Her eyes suddenly lit up and she dropped her pencil, grabbing her bottle of water and stood up in the center of her room.

Camila set the bottle down on the ground and cast out her hand, forcing the water out of the bottle. The water formed into a sphere in which she controlled.

She twisted and twirled her hands and fingers around as the water moved around like it might move in space. Camila kept doing this and smiling at the thought that if she could go back to school tomorrow ton find those 5 people, who were just like her.

Ruined World (Camren, Jerrie, Larry)Where stories live. Discover now